Position: Deputy Director    
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Mobile: +233 0207443787/+233 0545562853

Professional fields of Interest: Forest Health, Plant Insect Interactions, Forest Ecology and Restoration 

Professional Background:

2006    Ph.D. Forest Science (Forest Health), Michigan Technological University, Houghton, USA
2001    MPhil Silviculture & Forest Mgt KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana
1994    BSc. (Hons) Nat. Res. Mgt.    KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana

Profile and Leadership Experience
PROF. EMMANUEL OPUNI-FRIMPONG is a Principal Research Scientist and Deputy Director of CSIR-Forestry Research Institute of Ghana, who is conscientious and committed to the achievement of organizational goals. He is adaptable, committed, and reliable, and work well as part of a team as well as on his own initiative. He has over the years developed his networking and fundraising skills that have yielded over five million dollars in research funding over the last 15 years as well as packaged a research product for marketing, now one of the key commercial products of CSIR; The CSIR Pure Honey. Again, he played a pivotal role in getting the prestigious CSIR Basic School established.

Professional Positions
2023 Oct. - To Present    Deputy Director, CSIR- Forestry Research Institute of
2023 Nov. - To Present    External Examiner for the Department of Conservation
Biology and Entomology, University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana
2022 – 2023    Head of Forest Improvement and Productivity Division,
CSIR- Forestry Research Institute of Ghana
2021- To present    Principal Research Scientist, CSIR-Forestry Research Institute of Ghana
2017 – 2020    Pro Vice-Chancellor, University of Energy and Natural Resources (UENR), Sunyani, Ghana
2016 – To Present    Adjunct Associate Professor, Michigan Technological University, USA
2016 Jan. - 2016 Dec. Head of Forest Improvement and Productivity Division, CSIR- Forestry Research Institute of Ghana
2015    Principal Research Scientist, CSIR-Forestry Research Institute of Ghana
2015    Part-time Lecturer, University of Energy and Natural Resources, Sunyani, Ghana.
2014 - 2017    Project Coordinator for West Africa "Large Scale Project on Genetic (DNA) Timber Verification for 14 High Priority Species in Africa and Latin America"
2013 - 2016    Team Leader on Ecology for ITTO project "Rehabilitation of Degraded Forests for Sustainable Wood Fuel Production and Climate Change Mitigation in the Forest-Savanna Transition Zone of Ghana."
2011.    External Examiner for Graduate School, Queensland University, Australia
2011    Resource Person to the Climate Change Unit of the Forestry Commission for sensitization workshops for the Forestry Commission Staff Nationwide on REDD+ and CDM Project Opportunities in Forestry
2011 - 2013    Project Team Leader for Ghana on a Collaborative Project with 7 African countries and vTI of Germany as the lead Institution. "Development and Implementation of a Species Identification and Timber Tracking System in Africa with DNA Fingerprints"
2011    Part Time Lecturer KNUST Sunyani Campus
2011 - 2017    Project Leader for ITTO project "Capacity building for CDM forestry in the framework of SFM emphasizing
community forests and poverty alleviation in Ghana." (FORIG, MTU, SAMARTEX)
2010 - 2017    Project Leader for ITTO project "Towards Sustainable Indigenous Mahogany Timber Production in Ghana: Phase II, Refining the Silvicultural “Tool Kit” and Practical Training for Industrial-Foresters and Community Farmers." (FORIG, MTU SAMARTEX)
2010-2014    Senior Research Scientist, CSIR-Forestry Research Institute of Ghana
2010-Present    Deputy Coordinator, 1.02.04 Sustainable Management and Genetic resources of the Meliaceae (Mahogany Species), IUFRO
2008-2015    Adjunct Assistant Professor (Michigan Tech. Univ., USA)
2003- 2010    Research Scientist, CSIR-Forestry Research Institute of Ghana
2006 Sept-Dec    Postdoctoral Research Scientist, School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science, Michigan Technological University, USA
2002-2006    Research Assistant, School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science, Michigan Technological University, USA
2001    Part Time lecture Univ. for Dev. Studies Tamale, Ghana
2000-2002    Demonstrator and Lectured Forest Entomology, IRNR, KNUST
1997-2000    African Academy of Science Fellowship for M.Phil Studies, KNUST
1994-1997    Entomology Research Assistant, CSIR-Forestry Research Institute of Ghana

Membership of Committees at CSIR-Forestry Research Institute of Ghana
2023 Oct - Present    Management Board member
2022 - Present    Internal Management Committee Member
2022 – 2023    Head Forest Productivity and Improvement Division 2022 - present    Proposal Development Support Team (PDST) member 2022 - Present    Technical Advisory Team member
2015 - present    FC/Industry Plantation Management Team member
2012 - 2016    Member Commercialization Committee of CSIR-FORIG
2011-2016    Chairman Transport Committee of CSIR-FORIG
2009-2011    Vice Secretary National Research Staff Association of the CSIR, Ghana
2008-2010    President, Research Staff Association, CSIR-FORIG
2007-2010    Member, Internal Management Committee CSIR-FORIG
2007-2009    Vice President Northern Sector Research Staff Association of the CSIR, Ghana

Chair/Membership of Boards/Committees at the University of Energy and Natural Resources
•    Council (in attendance as a non-voting member)
•    Development Committee (Member)
•    Standing and Finance Committee (Member)
•    University Tender Committee (in attendance)
•    Honorary Degrees and Awards Committee (member)
•    Academic Board (member)
•    Executive Committee (member)
•    Convocation (member)
•    University Appointments and Promotion Committee for Senior Members (member)
•    Welfare Services Board (member)
•    Quality Assurance and Planning Committee (Chairman)
•    Research, Conferences, and Scholarships Committee (member)
•    Grants Steering Committee (member)
•    Library, Books, and Publications Committee (Chairman)
•    Central Undergraduate Admissions Committee (Chairman)
•    Budgetary & Estimates Committee (member)
•    Appointments and Promotions Committee for Junior and Senior Staff (Chairman)
•    Appointments and Promotions Committee for Non-Teaching Senior Members (Chairman)
•    Board of Trustees for Academic Prizes Fund (Chairman)
•    Disciplinary Committee for Senior Members (Chairman)
•    Health and Sanitation Committee (Chairman)
•    Housing, Estate and Residential Management Committee (Chairman)
•    Academic Planning Committee (Chairman)
•    University Basic School Committee (Chairman)
•    Joint Committee for the Establishment of a UENR Medical School (Chairman)
•    Strategic Plan implementation and monitoring committee (Chairman)

He has been involved in teaching several courses at the post graduate, undergraduate and diploma level and supervision of several PhD, MSc, BSc, Diploma students at University.

2022    Internal Reviewer CSIR College of Science and Technology
2023    Reviewer Asian Plant Research Journal
2023    Reviewer Journal of Applied Entomology
2021    Reviewer Journal of Forest Ecology and Management
2015 Associate Editor for a Special Issue on Biodiversity and High Value species in International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management.
2013 Co-Organizer: IUFRO 2014 Technical Session 219: How does biodiversity help to manage high-value timbers and vice versa held in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
2012 Co-Organizer of Technical Section A-14a Meliaceae Working Group at IUFRO-FORNESSA Regional Congress and ITTO/AFF Forest Policy 25-29 June 2012, Nairobi, Kenya Day
2010 - 2016    Member National Technical Review Committee of CDM PIN and PDD at Ministry of Environment Science and Technology
2010 - 2011    Chairman, Regional Committee for the Establishment    of Public University in Sunyani,
2010-2011    Member, National Committee for the Establishment of Public University in Sunyani, UENR
2009-present    Board Member, Ghana Association for the Conservation of Nature
2008-present    Member, Forestry Commission Afforestation and Reforestation CDM Group under the Climate Change Unit
2008-Present    Focal Person for ITTO projects in Reforestation CDM

1.    2023 - 2026 Coordinating and Supporting the Implementation of Ghana’s Threatened Trees Conservation Action Plan. Funded by Foundation Franklinia, Total project fund, €170,464. Lead Project Technical Advisor

2.    2023-2024. Sustainable production of medicinal plant Tetrapleura tetraptera: characterization and management of diseased trees. Funded by INEC Ghana. Total funds 33,351,69 Ghana Cedis. Team Leader

3.    2023-2024 Using Applied research to determine Causes of Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Community Resource Management Areas in the Northern Savannah Zone within the GSLERP areas and develop practical and sustainable response trial interventions that addresses the drivers of forest/tree cover loss and risks. Funded FC GSLERP Project, Total funds $25,000.00. Team member

4.    2021-202024. Zero Emission Concepts for Urban Resilience in selected African cities. Funded by BMBF/Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, Germany. Collaborative project with 5 African Universities with the Institute for Applied Material Flow Management/Trier University of Applied Sciences, Germany as the lead Organization. Total project Sum EUR 232,915.00

5.    2021-2025 Biosphere Learning Laboratory Lake Bosomtwe (BL3B). Lead Organization (Eberswalde University for Sustainable expansion in collaboration with 6 Institutions in Ghana. Total project funds EUR 198,000

6.    2018-2020 Tools for ensuring sustainable urban agriculture in the Sunyani Municipality. Funded by Skills Development Fund (SDF-II - Call 2 0623). Total project fund $61,670

7.    2019-2024 Building resilience of Lake Bosumtwi to climate change - RELAB Project (DANIDA funded 18-02-GHA) Co-Leader Work Package 4 (Watershed Modelling, land use change and sedimentation rates) Total project fund 9,959,973 DKK ($1517062.89)

8.    2014-2017    Germany    Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture    Project (Förderkennzeichen 28I‐001‐01)." Large Scale Project on Genetic Timber Verific ation for Timber of 14 High Priority Species in Africa and Latin America". Total Project funds received by CSIR-FORIG €331,021. Coordinator for West Africa

9.    2012-2015 ITTO RED-SPD 077/12 Rev. 1 (F): Rehabilitation of Degraded Forests for Sustainable Wood Fuel Production and Climate Change Mitigation in the Forest-Savanna Transition Zone of Ghana. Lead Scientist on Ecology

10.    2012-2015 ITTO PD 620/11 Rev.1 (M). Development and Implementation of a Species Identification and Timber Tracking System in Africa with DNA Fingerprints and Stable Isotopes. Collaborative project with Participants from 7 African countries with Forest Genetic Research Institute of Germany as the Lead Organization. Lead Scientist in Ghana. Total project Funds US$2,786,299

11.    2011-2017 Capacity building for CDM forestry in the framework of SFM emphasizing community forests and poverty alleviation in Ghana. Funded by ITTO 2011-2017. Principal investigator. Total project funds US$665,882

12.     2010-2011 ITTO Pre-Project, TFL-PPD 023/10. Development and implementation of a species identification and timber tracking system with DNA fingerprints and stable isotopes in Africa. Role; Lead Scientist in Ghana Total project Funds US$192,000

13.     2010-2015 Towards Sustainable Indigenous Mahogany Timber Production in Ghana: Phase II, Refining the Silvicultural “Tool Kit” and Practical Training for Industrial-Foresters and Community Farmers. 2010-2015. Principal Investigator. Total Project Fund US$784,834

14.    2007-2008 Conservation of African Mahogany diversity: Provenance Selection, Propagation, and Mixed Planting Systems to Reduce Shoot Borer Impact on Mahogany Forest, AAS/AFORNET, 2007-2008. Principal Investigator. US$7,600

15.     2005-2009 Towards Sustainable Timber Production in Ghana: Stage I. Improving Shoot Borer Resistance and Developing Silvicultural Systems to Maximize Mahogany Plantation Success. Funded by ITTO, 2005-2009. Co-principal Investigator. Total project Funds+ US$590,581

16.    2001-2004 Development of an integrated strategy for reduction of shoot borer impact on African mahogany in the tropical humid forest of Africa. Funded by AAS/AFORNET 2001-2004. Principal Investigator. US$100,500

17.    2001 Natural Regeneration of African mahogany (Khaya ivorensis) in the moist semi-deciduous forest in Ghana. Collaborative Research between FORIG and Department of Ecology, University of Helsinki. Funded by Finish Cultural Foundation and University of Helsinki. 2001. Co-principal Investigator.

18.     2001-2003 Butterfly diversity in sacred forest groves of Ghana. Funded by The National Geographic. 2001-2003. Co-Principal Investigator

19.    1997-1999 Shoot borer: Hypsipyla robusta Moore (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) damage on growth and survival of native meliaceae (African Mahogany). Funded by the African Academy of Sciences. 1997-1999. Principal Investigator

20.    2001-2002 Identification of Log deteriorating agents in the field following logging. ITTO Silviculture project. 2001-2002

21.    1995-1997 The potential use of Insect pathogenic viruses to control Mahogany shoot borer in the genus Hypsipyla (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Funded by ODA 1995-97

22.    1995 General literature search on the impact of Increased Utilisation of lesser- used species: ITTO project PD 33/95 Rew. 3 on lesser-used species.

23.    1995 Survey of plants with potential insecticidal properties in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. Funded by DFID

1.    Opuni-Frimpong, E., Mensah, J.K., Adu-Gyamfi, A., Okyere-Agyapong, E., Sarfo,K.B., Atiah, G. and Bosu, P.P. (2023). Tragocephala nobilis Fab (Coleoptera:Cerambycidae): A new insect pest threatening the domestication of Tetrapleura tetraptera (Scrum and Thonn.) in Ghana.

2.    Acquah S.B, Obiri, D. B., Opuni-Frimpong, E., Oduro, K. A. and Obeng, E.
A.    2022. Hand book on Silvicultural Prescriptions for Management of Woodfuel Species. CSIR-FORIG, Kumasi/ITTO, Japan. 51pp. ISBN:978- 9988-577-84-1

3.    Damptey, F.G., Opuni-Frimpong, N.Y., Arimiyaw, A.W., Bentsi-Enchill, F., Wiafe, E.D., Abeyie, B.B., Mensah, M.K., Debrah, D.K., Yeboah, A.O., Opuni-Frimpong, E. (2022) Citizen Science Approach for Assessing the Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service Potential of Urban Green Spaces in Ghana. Land 2022, 11(10), 1774.

4.    Opoku, M.E., Opuni-Frimpong, E., Sarfo, Y., Owusu, O.A. (2022) Effects of Biochar Soil Amendment on the Rooting and Early Growth of African Mahogany Species: Khaya ivorensis and Khaya grandifoliola. J Bot Res, 5 (1) 149-169. DOI: 10.36959/771/573 ISSN: 2643-6027

5.    Opuni-Frimpong NY, Essel H.B, Opuni-Frimpong E, Obeng EA. (2022) Sustainable Development Goal for Education: Teachers’ Perspectives on Climate Change Education in Senior High Schools (SHS). Sustainability. 14(13):8086.

6.    Damptey, F.G., Adofo, E.,  Duah-Gyamfic., Adusu. D., Opuni-Frimpong.
E. (2021). Logging effects on seedling regeneration and diversity in a tropical moist semi-deciduous forest in Ghana. Geology, Ecology and Landscapes.

7.    Asare, A., Thodsen H., Antwi, M., Opuni-Frimpong, E., Sanful,P. (2021). Land Use and Land Cover changes in Lake Bosumtwi Watershed, Ghana
(West Africa), Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment,

8.    Opuni-Frimpong, E., Gabienu, E., Adusu, D., Opuni-Frimpong, N.Y., Damptey, F.d. (2021). Plant diversity, conservation significance, and community structure of two protected areas under different governance, Trees, Forests and People, Volume 4, 2021, 100082, ISSN 2666-7193,

9.    Blanc-Jolivet, C., Mader, M., Bouda, HN. Massot, M., Daïnou, K., Yene, G., Opuni-Frimpong, E. Degen. B (2021) Development of new SNP and INDEL loci for the valuable African timber species Lophira alata. Conservation Genet Resour 13, 85–87 (2021).

10.    Opuni-Frimpong, E., Baniako, K.N., Opoku, S.M., ...Belford, E.J.D., Burton,
A.    (2020) Extrapolating tree biomass and related carbon stocks from high- valued indigenous forest plantation in Ghana. Journal of the Ghana Science Association, 2020, 19(1), pp. 45–55

11.    Opuni-Frimpong, E., Opoku, S. M., Mensah Opoku E. and Storer A. J. (2020). Silvicultural systems for plantation mahogany in Africa: effect of mixed species stands on growth and Hypsipyla attack of African mahogany (Khaya anthotheca and Khaya ivorensis). Ghana J. Forestry, Vol. 36 (1), 72 – 88

12.    Asare, A., Asante, W. A., Owusu-Prempeh, N., Opuni Frimpong, E., and Adusu, D. (2020). Comparative Analysis of Understorey Floristic Diversity and Carbon Stocks in Poorly and Intensively Managed Tectona grandis Plantations. Int. Journal of Forestry Research, Volume 2020, Article ID 8868824, 13 pages,

13.    Korang, J., Opuni-Frimpong, E., Ofori, E., and Owusu, J. (2019) Comparative analysis of the phytochemical constituents and anti-microbial activities of four species of African mahogany. Ghana J. Forestry, Vol. 35, 2019, 51 – 63
14.    Opuni-Frimpong, E., Adarkwah, C., Ansah, F.A. and Opuni-Frimpong, N. Y, (2019). Tools for sustainable urban agriculture: Agrochemical Use and Pest Management. Opuni-Frimpong, N.Y., Opuni-Frimpong, E., and Ansah, F.A. (Eds.). Skills Development Fund, Adwinsa Publications Ltd, Accra.

15.    Opuni-Frimpong, N. Y, Opuni-Frimpong, E., Adarkwah. C., Hammond, P., Ansah, F. A., Agbeshi, A.A., and Abugre. S. (2019). Tools for sustainable urban agriculture: Farmers’ Manual. Opuni-Frimpong, N.Y., Opuni- Frimpong, E., and Adarkwah. C. (Eds.). Skills Development Fund, Adwinsa Publications Ltd, Accra.

16.    Blanc-Jolivet, C, Mader, M., Bouda, N H., Guichoux, E., Yene, G., Opuni- Frimpong, E., Degen, B., (2019) Development of SNP markers for the African timber species Nauclea diderrichii. Conservation Genetics Resources, DOI: 10.1007/s12686-019-01115-w

17.    Pakull, B., Ekué, M.R.M., Bouka Dipelet, U.G., Doumenge, C., McKey, D.B., Loumeto, J.J., Opuni-Frimpong, E., Yorou, S.N., Nacoulma, B.M.Y., Guelly, K.A., Ramamonjisoa, L., Thomas, D., Guichoux, E., Loo, J., Degen,
B. (2019). Genetic diversity and differentiation among the species of African mahogany (Khaya spp.) based on a large SNP array, Conservation Genetics

18.    Darko Obiri1 B., Obeng E. A., Nunoo I., Peprah T., Opuni-Frimpong E. (2018) Financial analysis of fuelwood production from woodlots in the Savannah zone of Ghana. Ghana J. Forestry, Vol. 34, 2018, 58 – 72

19.    Adarkwah, C., Obeng-Ofori, D., Opuni-Frimpong, E., Ulrichs, C., Schöller, M. (2018) Predator-parasitoid-host interaction: Biological control of Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) and Sitophilus oryzae (L.) (Coleoptera: Dryophthoridae) with the combination of Xylocoris flavipes (Reuter) (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) and Theocolax elegans (Westwood) (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) in stored grain cereals. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 167:2, 118-128.

20.    Opoku, EM; Opuni-Frimpong, E; Dompreh D (2018) Developing sustainable
regeneration techniques for four African mahogany species: grafting methods for success and growth, New Forests, 1-16

21.    Tekpetey, S. L., Essien, C., Appiah-Kubi, E., Opuni-Frimpong, E. Korang, J. (2016) Evaluation of the chemical composition and natural durability of natural and plantation grown African Mahogany Khaya ivorensis A. Chev. in Ghana. Indian Acad Wood Sci 13:2 152–155.

22.    Opuni-Frimpong, E., Tekpetey, S. L., Owusu S.A., Opoku, S., Mensah Opoku,E., Andrew J. Storer, Nyarko-Duah, Naa Y., Appiah-Kubi, E., Essien, C., Darko -Obiri , B. (2016) Managing Mahogany Plantation in the tropics: Field guide for Farmers. CSIR-FORIG, Kumasi, Ghana. pp 95

23.    Appiah-Kubi, E., Kankam,C.K., Frimpong-Mensah, K., Opuni-Frimpong, E.(2016) The bending strength and Modulus of elasticity properties of plantation grown Khaya ivorensis (Africa Mahogany) from Ghana. Journal of Ind. Academy of Wood Science. ISSN 0972 (Doi:10.1007/s13196-016-)

24.    Tekpetey, S. L., Opuni-Frimpong, E., Appiah-Kubi, E., Essien, C. Korang, J. Pentsil, S., and Owusu, F.W. (2016) Khaya Ivorensis in Ghana Forest Estate: Distribution, Properties and Uses. Forestry Research Institute of Ghana. pp 138
25.    Opuni-Frimpong, E., Opoku, E.M., and Obiri, B.D. (2015). Mahogany Book of Abstracts. International conference on sustaining mahogany production and timber verification training workshop, 2nd–6th March, 2015. CSIR-Forestry Research Institute of Ghana, Fumesua, Kumasi. 16pp
26.    Tekpetey, S.L., Dekomien, K. and Opuni-Frimpong, E. (2014) Surface Roughness and Texture of Plantation Grown African Mahogany from Ghana. Ghana Journal of Forestry Vol 30(1) pp 34-42

27.    Emmanuel Opuni-Frimpong, Nana Yaa Nyarko-Duah, Ebenezer J.D. Belford, Andrew J. Storer (2014). Silvicultural systems for restoration of mahogany in degraded landscapes in Africa: Influence of mixed rainforest plantation on growth and pest damage, Open Journal of Forestry 4; 414-425
28.    Owusu S.A. Opuni-Frimpong, E. and Antwi-Boasiako (2014) Improving regeneration of mahogany: techniques for vegetative propagation of four African mahogany species using leafy stem cuttings. New Forest. 45:5, 687-697. DOI 10.1007/s11056-014-9431-y

29.    Abraham J, Opuni-Frimpong E, Weissbecker B, Schuetz S, Angeli S., (2014). Olfactory cues of mahogany trees to female Hypsipyla robusta. Bulletin of Insectology 67 (1) 21-30.

30.    Opuni-Frimpong, E., Kuudaar, S., Opoku, E.O., Nyarko- Duah, N.Y., and Opoku, S, M. (2014). Promoting indigenous species and biodiversity in plantations: Khaya grandifoliola (Welw) CDC a suitable candidate species for restoring degraded forestlands in mixed plantations. Book of abstract, First National Forestry Conference. Pp 37-39

31.    Opuni-Frimpong, N.Y., Opuni-Frimpong, E (2014). Effects of Ghanaian urbanization on urban forests and peri-urban community livelihoods. The International Forestry Review Vol.16(5),31.

32.    Opuni Frimpong, E., Nyarko-Duah, N., Opoku, S., Storer, J.A. Burton, J.A. (2014). Restoration of degraded lands with mahogany in mixed-species plantations promotes biodiversity and conservation of valuable timber species. The International Forestry Review Vol.16(5), 142.

33.    Opuni Frimpong, E., Opoku, S.M, Owusu, S.A., Storer, J.A. Burton, J.A. (2014) Growth and productivity of Khaya grandifoliola in the dry semi- deciduous forest of Ghana: a comparison in pure and diverse species stands. The International Forestry Review Vol.16(5),144.

34.    Tekpetey, S., Opuni Frimpong, E., Appiah-Kubi, E., Essien, C. (2014). The technological properties of plantation grown mahogany in Ghana: Are they inferior to naturally grown ones? The International Forestry Review Vol.16(5),370.

35.    Govina, J., Opuni-Frimpong, E., Ebanyenle, E., Darkwa, N., Oteng-Amoako,
A.    (2014). Variation in fi ber dimensions and basic density of plantation
grown African mahogany from three forest ecological zones of Ghana. The International Forestry Review Vol.16(5),379.

36.    Opoku, E.M., Nyarko-Duah, N., Opuni Frimpong, E (2014). Sustainable regeneration of African mahogany: the effects of potting mixtures on vegetative propagation of Khaya ivorensisand Khaya grandifoliola. The International Forestry Review Vol.16(5),384.

37.    Opuni-Frimpong, E., Sarfo, Y., Abbeberese, I. (2014). Impact of biochar on potting media for the rooting of Khaya ivorensis and Khaya grandifoliola leafy stem cuttings. The International Forestry Review Vol.16(5),384.

38.    Appiah-Kubi, E., Opuni Frimpong, E., Essien, C., Tekpetey, S Kankam, C., Mensah, M. (2014). Promotion and utilization of plantation grown timber species in Ghana: the kiln drying schedule of Khaya ivorensis. The International Forestry Review Vol.16(5), 433.

39.    Yeboah, D, Burton A.J., Storer A.J., Opuni-Frimpong E. (2014) Variation in Wood Density and Carbon Content of Tropical Plantation Tree Species from Ghana. New Forests. 45 (1) 35-52 DOI 10.1007/s11056-013-9390-8
40.    Opuni-Frimpong E, Opoku SM, Storer AJ, Burton AJ and Yeboah D. (2013). Productivity, pest tolerance and carbon sequestration of Khaya grandifoliola in the dry semi-deciduous forest of Ghana: a comparison in pure stands and mixed stands. New Forests 44 (6) 863-879 (DOI 10.1007/s11056- 013-9376-6)

41.    Opuni-Frimpong, E., Nyarko-Duah, N.Y., Kwarkye, G.A., and Storer, A.J. (2012). Incidence of Hypsipyla robusta (Moore) on native mahogany trees: a challenge for sustainable supply and conservation of mahogany resources. IUFRO – FORNESSA Regional congress. Nairobi – Kenya, 25th – 29th June, 2012. Book of Abstracts. Pp 206

42.    Nyarko-Duah, N.Y., Opuni-Frimpong E., Belford E.J.D. and Storer, A.J. (2012). The effect of mixed-tree species stands on Hypsipyla robusta attacks and growth of African mahogany in a wet forest. IUFRO – FORNESSA
Regional congress. Nairobi – Kenya, 25th – 29th June, 2012. Book of Abstracts. Pp 34.

43.    Nyarko-Duah, N.Y., Opuni-Frimpong E., Belford E.J.D. and Storer, A.J. (2012). The presence of weaver ants (Oecophylla longinoda) in mixed-tree species stands on Hypsipyla robusta attack and growth of African mahogany. IUFRO – FORNESSA Regional congress. Nairobi – Kenya, 25th – 29th June, 2012. Book of Abstracts. Pp 14.

44.    Opuni-Frimpong, E., Kwarkye, G.A., (2012). Variation in growth and response to Hypsipyla of 19 families of Khaya grandifoliola in 3 ecological zones of Ghana. IUFRO – FORNESSA Regional congress. Nairobi – Kenya, 25th – 29th June, 2012. Book of Abstracts. Pp 9

45.    Opuni-Frimpong E, Opoku SM, Storer AJ (2012) Growth and Productivity of Khaya grandifoliola in the Dry Semideciduous forest of Ghana: A comparison in pure stands and in mixed stands. IUFRO – FORNESSA Regional congress. Nairobi – Kenya, 25th – 29th June, 2012. Book of Abstracts. Pp 197

46.    Opuni-Frimpong, N.Y and Opuni-Frimpong, E (2012). Nauclea Diderrichi (De Wild & T. Durand) Merr. In Lemmens, R.H.M.J., Louppe, D., and Oteng-Amoako, A.A. (Editors). Plant Resources of Tropical Africa 7(2). Timbers 2. PROTA Foundation, Wageningen, Netherlends/Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, Netherlands/CTA, Wageningen, Netherlands. Pp482-487

47.    Opuni-Frimpong, E. Owusu, S.A., Ebanyenle, E. and Sunderland, T.C.H. (2012) Erasmopatha Dransfielddii (Sunderl). In: Brink. M. & Achigan-Dako,
E.G. (Editors). Plant Resources of Tropical Africa 16. Fibres. PROTA Foundation, Wageningen, Netherlands/CTA, Wageningen, Netherlands. Pp155-158

48.    Opuni-Frimpong, E. Owusu, S.A., Ebanyenle, E. and Sunderland, T.C.H. (2012) Erasmopatha Macrocarpus (G. Mann &H. Wendl.) H. Wendl. In: Brink. M. & Achigan-Dako, E.G. (Editors). Plant Resources of Tropical
Africa 16. Fibres. PROTA Foundation, Wageningen, Netherlands/CTA, Wageningen, Netherlands. Pp158-162

49.    Opuni-Frimpong, E. Ameyaw, L K., Ebanyenle, E. and Sunderland, T.C.H. (2012) Laccosperma secundiflorum (P.Beauv.) Kuntze. In: Brink. M. & Achigan-Dako, E.G. (Editors). Plant Resources of Tropical Africa 16. Fibres. PROTA Foundation, Wageningen, Netherlands/CTA, Wageningen, Netherlands. Pp289-293

50.    Marfo, E., Acheampong, E., Opuni-Frimpong, E. (2012). Fractured tenure, unaccountable authority and benefit capture: constraints to improving community benefits under climate change mitigation schemes in Ghana. Conservation and Society, 10(2): 161-172.
51.    Oppong, S.K., Acheampong, E., Opuni-Frimpong, E., Adu, J.K., (2010). National Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Assessment for Forestry and Agriculture Sectors of Ghana. Report submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency, Accra, Ghana. 42pp.

52.    Opuni-Frimpong, E and Kyere, B. (2010). How can Ghana restrain the long arm of Climate Change on her Bio-diversity? EPA Policy Brief No: 7

53.    Opuni-Frimpong, E., Owusu, S. A., Ameyaw L. A., Amoah, F. S., Bamfo, R. 2010. Small-scale community-based reforestation CDM project in the degraded Pamu Berekum Forest in Ghana. International Forestry Review, Vol. 12(5), 75.

54.    Opuni-Frimpong, E., Owusu, S. A., Ameyaw L. A., Storer, A. J. (2010). Integrated approach to restore African mahogany in Ghana’s forest estate. International Forestry Review, Vol. 12(5), 110.

55.    Abraham, J., Angeli, S., Schuetz, S., Weissbecker, B., Opuni-Frimpong, E. (2010). Olfactory cues of female Hypsipyla robusta (Moore) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) to mahoganies of the genera, Entandrophragma and Khaya. International Forstry Review, Vol. 12(5), 111.
56.    Owusu, S. A., Opuni-Frimpong, E., Ebanyenle, E., Antwi-Boasiako, C. (2010). Sustainable production of African mahogany: effect of anatomy, stock-plant age and potting media on rooting of leafy stem cuttings of Khaya and Entadrophragma species. International Forestry Review, Vol. 12(5), 112.

57.    Ameyaw, L. K., Obiri, B. D., Acheampong, E., Opuni-Frimpong, E. (2010). Farm forestry: a viable option to poverty alleviation and climate change amelioration in Ghana. International Forestry Review, Vol. 12(5), 192.

58.    Bossart, J. L. and E. Opuni-Frimpong (2009) Distance from edge determines fruit-feeding butterfly community diversity in Afrotropical forest fragments. Environmental Entomology, 38(1): 43-52.

59.    Opuni-Frimpong, E., Karnosky D.F., Storer A.J., Abeney E.A., and Cobbinah J.R. 2008. Relative susceptibility of four species of African mahogany to the shoot borer Hypsipyla robusta (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in the moist semi-deciduous forest of Ghana. Forest Ecology and Management, 255: 313-319.

60.    Opuni-Frimpong, E. 2008. Khaya grandifoliola C.DC. In Louppe, D., Oteng-Amoako, A.A. and Brink, M. (Editors). Plant Reources of Tropical Africa 7(1). Timbers 1. PROTA Foundation, Wageningen, Netherlends/Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, Netherlands/CTA, Wageningen, Netherlands. Pp329-333.

61.    Opuni-Frimpong E., Karnosky D.F., Storer A.J., and Cobbinah J.R. 2008. Silvicultural systems for plantation mahogany in Africa: Influences of canopy-shade on tree growth and pest damage. Forest Ecology and Management, 255: 328-333.

62.    Opuni-Frimpong E., Karnosky D.F., Storer A.J., and Cobbinah J.R. 2008. Key roles of leaves, stockplant age, and auxin concentration in vegetative propagation of two African mahoganies: Khaya anthotheca Welw. and Khaya ivorensis A. Chev. New Forests, 36: 115-123.
63.    Ofori, D.A. Opuni-Frimpong, E. and Cobbinah, J.R. (2007). Provenance variation in Khaya species for growth and resistance to shoot borer Hypsipyla robusta. Forest Ecology and Management. 242: 438-443

64.    Bossart, J. L., E. Opuni-Frimpong, S. Kuudaar and E. Nkrumah (2006). Richness, abundance, and complementarity of fruit-feeding butterfly species in relict sacred forests and forest reserves of Ghana Arthropod diversity and conservation (D. L. Hawksworth and A. T. Bull, eds). Topics in biodiversity and conservation, Vol 1. Springer Verlag.

65.    Opuni-Frimpong, E. D.F. Karnosky, A. Storer and J.R. Cobbinah (2006).Conserving African Mahogany diversity: Provenance selection and silvicultural systems to develop shoot borer tolerant trees. In Proceedings: Pest Management in Tropical Plantations. Eds. J.R. Cobbinah, D.A.Ofori and
P.P Bosu, pp86-89.

66.    Ofori, D.A. J.R. Cobbinah and E. Opuni-Frimpong (2006). Development of an integrated pest management strategy for reduction of shoot-borer impact on mahogany in Ghana. In Proceedings: Pest Management in Tropical Plantations. Eds. J.R. Cobbinah, D.A.Ofori and P.P Bosu, pp48-70.

67.    Bossart, J. L., E. Opuni-Frimpong, S. Kuudaar and E. Nkrumah (2006) Richness, abundance, and complementarity of fruit-feeding butterfly species in relict sacred forests and forest reserves of Ghana. Biodiversity and Conservation.. 15: 333-359.
68.    Bossart, J. L., E. Opuni-Frimpong, S. Kuudaar and E. Nkrumah (2005) Fruit-feeding butterfly communities of forest "islands" in Ghana: survey completeness and spatial correlates of diversity. Pp. 151-158. In: African biodiversity: molecules, organisms, ecosystems. Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Tropical Biology, Museum Koenig, Bonn, Germany (B. A. Huber, B. J. Sinclair and K-H. Lampe, eds). Springer Verlag.

69.    Opuni-Frimpong, E., Karnosky, D. F., Storer, A. J, and Cobbinah, J. R. (2005).The effect of mixed species stands on Hypsipyla attack on mahogany trees in the moist semi-deciduous forest of Ghana. Poster Presented at the
IUFRO World Congress in Brisbane.The International Forestry Review Vol. 7(5), 57
70.    Opuni-Frimpong, E., Karnosky, D. F., Storer, A. J, and Cobbinah, J. R. (2005). Development of an integrated management strategy to reduce the impact of Hypsipyla species (Lepidopetra: Pyralidae) on African mahogany. Poster Presented at the IUFRO World Congress in Brisbane. The International Forestry Review Vol. 7(5), 86

71.    Opuni-Frimpong, E., Karnosky, D. F., Thakur, R., Storer, A. J, and Cobbinah, J. R. (2005). A biotechnological approach to developing mahogany trees resistant to mahogany shoot borer, Hypsipyla spp. Poster Presented at the IUFRO World Congress in Brisbane. The International Forestry Review Vol. 7(5), 54.

72.    Apetorgbor, M. M., Darkwa, N.A., Opuni-Frimpong. E. and Agyman, V.K. (2004). Biodeteriorating agents associated with three tropical timber species. Forest Ecology and Management, 311-323.

73.    Hauxwell, c., Vargas, C., Opuni-Frimpong, E. 2001. Entomopathogens for control of Hypsipyla species. Proceedings, International workshop on Hypsipyla (eds Floyd And Hauxwell), ACIAR Proceedings No. 97 Canberra. 131-139.

74.    Opuni-Frimpong, E. (2002) Biotechnology technique for improving trees and pest management. ITTO Fellowship Training at Michigan Technological University. Tropical Forest Update 12/3.

75.    Opuni-Frimpong, E, 2000. Damage to growth and survival of native meliaceae African mahogany) by shoot borer, Hypsipyla robusta Moore (Lepidoptera:Pyralidae). M. Phil thesis to be submitted (December 2000) to IRNR University of Science and Technology, Kumasi 83pp.

1.    Opuni-Frimpong, E., Tepketey, S.L., and Owusu S.A. (2016). Khaya species in Ghana. S. L. Tepketey et al. (eds) Khaya ivorensis in Ghana Forest Estate: Distribution, Properties and Uses. Forestry Research Institute of Ghana. Pp 1-14
2.    Pentsil, S and Opuni-Frimpong, E. (2016). Ghana's trade in African Mahogany: The trend in a decade and Half. S. L. Tepketey et al. (eds) Khaya ivorensis in Ghana Forest Estate: Distribution, Properties and Uses. Forestry Research Institute of Ghana. Pp 15-32

3.    Govina, J.K., Opuni-Frimpong, E. and Ebanyenle, E. (2016). Fibre dimension and basic density of plantation grown African Mahogany. S. L. Tepketey et al. (eds) Khaya ivorensis in Ghana Forest Estate: Distribution, Properties and Uses. Forestry Research Institute of Ghana. Pp 33-54
4.    Tekpetey, S.L, Opuni-Frimpong, E., Amaning, T., Essien, C., Mensah, S.K., and Appiah-Kubi, E. (2016). Machining properties of African Mahogany: Examining Stem wood and Branch wood. S. L. Tepketey et al. (eds) Khaya ivorensis in Ghana Forest Estate: Distribution, Properties and Uses. Forestry Research Institute of Ghana. Pp 54 – 66
5.    Tekpetey, S.L, Appiah-Kubi, E., Opuni-Frimpong, E., and Essien, C. (2016). Lumber recovery and slice veneer production from African Mahogany in Ghana. S. L. Tepketey et al. (eds) Khaya ivorensis in Ghana Forest Estate: Distribution, Properties and Uses. Forestry Research Institute of Ghana. Pp 67- 80

6.    Korang, J., Tekpetey, S.L, Amaning, T., and Opuni-Frimpong, E. (2016). Chemical composition of Plantation grown Khaya ivorensis. S. L. Tepketey et al. (eds) Khaya ivorensis in Ghana Forest Estate: Distribution, Properties and Uses. Forestry Research Institute of Ghana. Pp 81- 89

7.    Appiah-Kubi, E., Tekpetey, S.L., Seidu, H., Opuni-Frimpong, E., and Essien, C. (2016). The mechanical properties of plantation grown Khaya ivorensis from Ghana. S. L. Tepketey et al. (eds) Khaya ivorensis in Ghana Forest Estate: Distribution, Properties and Uses. Forestry Research Institute of Ghana. Pp 90 – 113

8.    Essien, C., Appiah-Kubi, E., Tekpetey, S.L., Seidu, H., Opuni-Frimpong, E., and Owusu F.W. (2016). Assessing the bio-mechanical properties of plantation and Naturally Grown African Mahogany (Khaya ivorensis) in Ghana. S. L. Tepketey et al. (eds) Khaya ivorensis in Ghana Forest Estate: Distribution, Properties and Uses. Forestry Research Institute of Ghana. Pp 114 – 129
9.    Tekpetey, S.L, Reigel, A., Dekomien, K., and Opuni-Frimpong, E. (2016). Surface Quality of African Mahogany (Khaya ivorensis). S. L. Tepketey et al. (eds) Khaya ivorensis in Ghana Forest Estate: Distribution, Properties and Uses. Forestry Research Institute of Ghana. Pp 130 – 143
Edited Conference Abstracts
1.    Obiri, D. B., Nunoo, I., Obeng, E. A., Marfo, E., Owusu, F.W., Opuni Frimpong, E., Oduro, K. A. and Adjei, R. K. 2018. Profits and constraints along the Ghanaian charcoal value chain. Abstract, 4th Flare annual meeting, October, 2018. Copenhagen.

2.    Obiri, D. B., Opuni-Frimpong, E. Sekyere, J. and Abgenyega, O. 2017. The economic and health significance of mahogany to the Ghanaian economy. Abstract. IUFRO 125th Anniversary Congress, 19-22 September 2017, Freiburg, Germany.

3.    Obiri, D. B., Peprah, T., Nunoo, I., Obeng, E. A., Aguilar, F. X. and Opuni- Frimpong, E. 2016. Financial analysis of fuelwood production from woodlots in the savannah transition of Ghana. Paper presented at the 2nd annual meeting of FLARE Network, 2-5 December, U.K.

4.    Obiri, D. B., Quartey, R. K., Dawoe, E. L. K, Opuni-Frimpong, E. and Oduro, K. B. 2016. Rosewood (Pterocarpus erinaceus) governance and livelihoods in the Savannah’s of Ghana. Poster presented at the 2nd annual meeting of FLARE Network, 2-5 December, U.K.

5.    Darko C.B., Opuni-Frimpong E., Kyere, B. and Storer, A. J. (2015). Screening meliaceae (mahogany) for their resistance to the Hypsipyla robusta attack. Editors (Opuni-Frimpong E.,Opoku, E.M. and Obiri B,D. 2015). International conference on sustaining mahogany production and timber verification training workshop. CSIR-Forestry Research Institute of Ghana, Fumesua, Kumasi. 2nd – 6th March, 2015. Page 7.

6.    Degen B,, Paulini M., Opuni-Frimpong E., Pakull B., Hoeltken A. (2015). DNA based species identification in the genus Khaya. Editors (Opuni- Frimpong E.,Opoku, E.M. and Obiri B,D. 2015). International conference on sustaining mahogany production and timber verification training workshop. CSIR-Forestry Research Institute of Ghana, Fumesua, Kumasi. 2nd – 6th March, 2015. Page 8

7.    Opuni Frimpong, E., Nyarko-Duah, N., Opoku, S. M., Opoku, E. M., Storer,
A.J. (2015). Developing integrated strategies for restoration and improve productivity of mahogany in the forest landscapes in Ghana. Editors (Opuni- Frimpong E.,Opoku, E.M. and Obiri B,D. 2015). International conference on sustaining mahogany production and timber verification training workshop. CSIR-Forestry Research Institute of Ghana, Fumesua, Kumasi. 2nd – 6th March, 2015. Page 9.

8.    Storer A. J. and Opuni-Frimpong E. (2015) Global Trends of Pest Management for Sustainable Productivity of Forest Resources. Editors (Opuni-Frimpong E.,Opoku, E.M. and Obiri B,D. 2015). International conference on sustaining mahogany production and timber verification training workshop. CSIR-Forestry Research Institute of Ghana, Fumesua, Kumasi. 2nd – 6th March, 2015. Page 11.

9.    Opoku M. E., Owusu S. A., Sarfo Y., Opuni-Frimpong E., Storer. A. J.(2015) Developing sustainable grafting methods for success and growth of four african mahogany species. Editors (Opuni-Frimpong E.,Opoku, E.M. and Obiri B,D. 2015). International conference on sustaining mahogany production and timber verification training workshop. CSIR-Forestry Research Institute of Ghana, Fumesua, Kumasi. 2nd – 6th March, 2015. Page12.

10.    Abraham, J., Opuni-Frimpong, E., Weissbecker, B., Schütz S., & Angeli, S. (2015) Exploiting the scent of trees to protect mahogany plantations from pest insects. Editors (Opuni-Frimpong E.,Opoku, E.M. and Obiri B,D. 2015). International conference on sustaining mahogany production and timber verification training workshop. CSIR-Forestry Research Institute of Ghana, Fumesua, Kumasi. 2nd – 6th March, 2015. Page 13

11.    Opuni-Frimpong E., Storer. A. J. (2015) Biology of mahogany shoot borer (Hypsipyla Robusta Moore) on artificial media and associated natural enemies. Editors (Opuni-Frimpong E.,Opoku, E.M. and Obiri B,D. 2015). International conference on sustaining mahogany production and timber verification training workshop. CSIR-Forestry Research Institute of Ghana, Fumesua, Kumasi. 2nd – 6th March, 2015, Page 16.

Research Technical Papers
1.    Opuni-Frimpong, E., Obiri, D.B., Owusu, S.A., Opoku, E.M.,    Appiah- Kubi, E., Tekpetey, S.L., and Nana Yaa Nyarko-Duah, N.Y. (2018) Capacity building for CDM Forestry in the Framework of SFM emphasizing Community Forests and Poverty Alleviation in Ghana. ITTO Project PD 450 Rev 1 (F): Project Completion Report. CSIR-FORIG, Ghana and ITTO, Japan. 28pp

2.    Opuni-Frimpong, E., Obiri, D.B., Owusu, S.A., Opoku, E.M., Appiah-Kubi, E., Tekpetey, S.L., and Nana Yaa Nyarko-Duah, N.Y. (2016). Towards sustainable indigenous mahogany timber production in Ghana: phase ii, refining silvicultural"tool kit" and practical training for industrial. ITTO Project PD 450 Rev 1 (F): Project Completion Report. CSIR-FORIG, Ghana and ITTO, Japan. 27pp

3.    Obiri , D.B., Oduro, K. A., Korang, J., Acquah, S B., Opuni Frimpong, E., Peprah, T., Nutakor E., Nunoo, I., Obeng, E.A., Damnyag, L., Adjei, R. K., Asumadu, K. Sarfo, B. K. and Owusu, S. 2018. Rehabilitation of degraded forests for sustainable wood fuel production and climate change mitigation in the forest-savanna transition zone of Ghana. ITTO project RED-SPD/077 Rev.1 (F), Project Completion Report. CSIR-FORIG, Ghana and ITTO, Japan. 56pp.
 4.    Opuni-Frimpong E., Bampoh A. A. and Baffour Afrifa A., (2012).Effect of different planting densities of Azadirachta indica on the growth and incidence of Hypsipyla robusta (Moore) on Khaya grandifoliola in a mixed stand. Research Technical paper submitted to ITTO Pp 24.
5.     Opoku E. M., Opuni-Frimpong E. and Adomako A.A., (2012).The effects of rooting media on vegetative propagation of two mahogany species (Khaya ivorensis and Khaya grandifoliola). Research Technical paper submitted to ITTO Pp 24.

6.     Senam E.G., Opuni-Frimpong E. and Frimpong-Mensah K., (2012) Static bending (modulus of rapture) and compressive strengths of plantation grown Khaya grandifoliola wood from two ecological zones in the high forest zone of Ghana. Research Technical paper submitted to ITTO Pp 22.

7.    Govina J. K., Opuni-Frimpong E., and Darkwa A. N., (2012) Fibre dimension and basic density of ten year old Khaya grandifoliola from three ecological zones of Ghana. Research Technical paper submitted to ITTO Pp 28.

8.    Adubofour D., Opuni-Frimpong E. and Adomako A. A., (2013) Provenance variation in two species of Khaya (Khaya ivorensis and Khaya grandifoliola) for growth and resistance to shoot borer in the wet evergreen forest zone of Ghana. Research Technical paper submitted to ITTO Pp 23.

9.    Sarfo Y., Opuni-Frimpong E. and Abebrese I.K., (2013) Assessing the effect of different media on the rooting of Khaya ivorensis and Khaya grandifoliola cuttings. Research Technical paper submitted to ITTO Pp 27.

10.     Nyarko-Duah N. Y., Opuni-Frimpong and Bedford E. J. D. (2012) Carbon sequestration and the effect of different densities of mixture stands on Hypsipyla robusta attacks and growth of African mahogany. Research Technical paper submitted to ITTO Pp 54.

11.     Owusu S. A., Opuni-Frimpong E. and Antwi-Boasiako C., (2011) The effects of type of species, rooting media and stock-plant age on the rooting ability of leafy stem cuttings of African mahogany species. Research Technical paper submitted to ITTO Pp 61.

12.     Opoku S. A. and Opuni-Frimpong E., (2012) Growth and productivity of Khaya grandifoliola in the dry semi-deciduous forest of Ghana: a comparison in pure stands and in mixed stands. Research Technical paper submitted to ITTO Pp 49.
13.    Opuni-Frimpong E., Torgbor A. B., Gyambrah Y. T., Boateng S., Kyere D. A., Adu Sarpong E., Nassah F. V., and Debrah K. D., (2014) Auditing of plantation development in Dome river forest reserve (Juaso Forest District) in Ghana using ATO/ITTO Principles Criteria and Indicators. Technical Report submitted to ITTO Pp 13.
14.    Opuni-Frimpong E., Odame G. R., Manful E. B., Seidu Moro, Mensah Markfred, Dabo J., Nassah F. V., Anin Adjei C., Asuming-Baffour F., Adjei R., and opare A. (2014) The Principles and Criteria ATO/ITTO adapted in Ghana for sustainable management of Asenanyo Forest Reserve. Technical Report submitted to ITTO Pp 12.

15.     Opuni-Frimpong E. Torgbor A. B., Gyambrah Y. T., Boateng Sarkodie, Kyere D. A., Adu-Sarpong E., Nassah F. V., Ofosuhene H., Opare A., and Brobbey K. L., (2014) Forest audit with ATO-ITTO Principles, Criteria and indicators Adapted in Ghana, A case of Nkawie Forest District, Technical Report submitted to ITTO Pp 17.

16.    Opuni-Frimpong E., Odame G. R., Manful E. B., Seidu Moro, Mensah Markfred, Dabo J., Nassah F. V., Anin Adjei C., Asuming-Baffour F., Adjei R., Opoku E. M. and opare A. (2014) The Principles and audit criteria ATO/ITTO adapted in Ghana on sustainable management of Bobiri Forest Reserve. Technical Report submitted to ITTO Pp 17.

17.    Opuni-Frimpong E., Darko-Obiri B, Opoku S.A., Burton J.A., Storer J.A., Opoku E. M., Opoku S M., Nyarko Duah, N.Y., Owusu S.A. and Kuudaar S., (2014) Capacity buiding for CDM Forestry Emphasizing Community Forest and Poverty Alleviation in Ghana( PD 450/07 Rev.2(F,I)1st Biennial Progress Report submitted to ITTO Pp 17.
18.    Opuni-Frimpong E., Darko-Obiri B, Opoku S.A., Burton J.A., Storer J.A, Opoku E. M., Nyarko Duah, N.Y., Owusu S.A. and Kuudaar S., (2014)Towards sustainable indigenous Mahogany Timber Production in Ghana: Refining the Silvicultural ‘Tool kits’ and Practical Training for industrial Foresters and Community Farmers (PD 528/08Rev.1(F)) 1st Biennial Progress Report submitted to ITTO Pp 15.

19.    Bernd Degen, Z. Henri-Noel Bouda, Ndiade Bourobou, Marius Ekue, Opuni- Frimpong E., (2014) Development and implementation of a species identification and Timber Tracking system with DNA fingerprints and stable isotope in Africa.(PD 620/11 REV.1(M)) Progress Report submitted by Thunen Institute to ITTO. PP10

20.    Amoako-Nuamah C., Annan S. J., Anane-Fenin K., Esi Awuah, Opuni- Frimpong E Afreh-Nuamah K., Amponsah H., Dadzie-Mensah J., and Dzandu P.,(2011) Final Report towards the establishment of the University of Energy and Natural Resources submitted to the Ministry of Education, Ghana. PP 145.

1.    Participant. Threatened trees conservation workshop THREATENED TREES OF GHANA: CONSERVATION PLANNING WORKSHOP 10-13 OCTOBER, 2022, CSIR-FORIG Kumasi, Ghana

2.    Participant. 33rd RSA Annual General Meeting and 4th Scientific Conference. 29th Annual General Meeting of the Research Staff Association of Ghana. 18th-20th October, 2022. Soil Research Institute, Kwadaso, Ghana

3.    Participant. Research Planning Workshop Under DAAD Bl.3b Project CSIR-FORIGg, Kumasi, Ghana, Friday October 7th, 2022

4.    Guest Speaker/Facilitator on "Proposal writing for Project Funding" at a staff training workshop " Growing together as a department: the role of each member". Organized by the department of Mathematics and statistics, UENR.
5.    Participant. The Ghana Cocoa Forest REDD+ Programme (GCFRP) Launching at the Accra International Conference Center, October 4, 2019. Organized by the Forestry Commission, Ghana

6.    Participant. The Global Timber Tracking Network (GTTN) "Regional Stakeholder Meeting in Africa” scheduled for June 27-28, 2018 in Yaoundé, Cameroon.

7.    Participant. Satellite Technology Innovation (STI) Arena Summit organised by the Earth Observation Research and Innovation Centre (EORIC) of the University of Energy and Natural resources Sunyani, June 21, 2018.

8.    Participant. The final Institutional Strengthening Programme Workshop for the CIRCLE Programme, December 11th -13th, 2017. The Workshop focused on the progress within the institutional strengthening programmes and actions implemented by CIRCLE institutions.

9.    Participant. XIV World Forestry Congress Workshop; Forest People and Environment: Some Perspectives from Africa, 7-12 September 2015, Durban, South Africa.

10.    Participant. Pre-XIV World Forestry Congress Workshop; Forest People and Environment: Some Perspectives from Africa, 4-5 September 2015, Durban, South Africa.

11.    Participant. Final Project Conference "Development and implementation of a species identification and timber tracking system in Africa with DNA fingerprints and stable Isotopes (PD 620/11 M(Rev.1)". Organized by Thunen Institute of Germany, Douala Cameroun, 29-6-2015 to 3-7-2015,

12.    Participant. The International Conference on: “Towards sustainable production of mahogany species in plantations in tropical Africa and training workshop on timber verification project”. 1-6 March, 2015, CSIR-FORIG, Kumasi, Ghana. Chair of the Organizing Committee and Presenter
13.    Participant. XXIV IUFRO World Congress Sustaining Forests, Sustaining People: The Role of Research. 5–11 October 2014, Salt Lake City, USA. Presenter and Organizer of a Section.

14.    Participant. Kick-off meeting of project "Developinf DNA timber tracking tools for African mahogany (khaya spp) and a conservation strategy for Khaya senegalensis in West Africa". Organized by Bioversity International, University of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. October 27-28, 2014. Lead Scientist from Ghana
15.    Participant. First National Forest Conference on "The contribution of Forests to Ghana's Economic Development". CSIR-FORIG, Kumasi, Ghana 16-18 September 2014.

16.    Participant. Forty-ninth Session of the International Tropical Timber Council and Associated Sessions of Committees. Libreville, Gabon 25-30 November 2013.

17.    Participant. UN Climate Change Conference and Nineteenth Session of the Conference of Parties (COP19), Warsaw, Poland, 11-22 November, 2013.

18.    Participant. Workshop on “Development and implementation of a species identification and timber tracking system in Africa with DNA fingerprints and stable isotopes (PD 620/11 M (Rev. 1))”. Hosted by FORIG. 22rd to 25th of May 2012, FORIG Conference Room, Kumasi. Organizer

19.    Participant. 23rd USDA Interagency Research Forum on Invasive Species 10-13, January 2012 in Annapolis, MD USA.

20.    Participant. Capacity Development Programme of MRV System for Crediting GHG Emission Reduction Activities in Africa. Organized by Ministry of Environment, Science and Technology, 23-24 January, 2012. Accra.

21.    Participant. Workshop on “Development and Implementation of a species Identification and Timber Tracking System with DNA Fingerprints and Stable Isotopes in Africa”. Organized by The Forest Trust. 23-24 March 2011, Djeuga Palace Hotel, Yaounde, Cameroon.

22.    National Forest Stakeholders Workshop to Define Forest for Clean Development Mechanisms Projects in Forestry. Organized by the Forestry Commission, 10 February, 2011, FC Conference Room, Accra. Resource Person

23.    REDD after Copenhagen – The Way Forward. Organized by the International Institute for Sustainable Development. 1st -3rd March 2010. Intercontinental Hotel – Nairobi, Kenya. Participant

24.    Lead Resource Person “Changing Ghana’s Forest Definition” Stakeholders group meeting. Organized by the Forestry Commission. Forestry Commission Conference room Accra. September 1, 2010.

25.    Participant IUFRO-SPDC Pre-Congress Training Workshops. Organized by IUFRO SPDC, 16th -21st August 2010.
26.    Participant XXIII IUFRO World Congress. Organized by IUFRO 23-28 August 2010, Seoul, Korea.

27.    Participant Workshop to Review Options for National REDD+ Architecture in Ghana. Organized by Nature Conservation Research Centre, 27th October 2010.

28.    Participant Towards the Ghana National Climate Change Policy Framework. Organized by the National Climate Change Committee. Coconut Grove Hotel, Thursday 10th June 2010.

29.    Participant Workshop of National Committee for the Establishment of Two Public Universities. Organized by Policy Coordination and Implementation Wing of the Presidency. Ghana Telecom University January 8, 2010.

30.    Participant, Validation of Ghana Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD Plus) Preparation proposal, September 3, 2009. Forestry Commission, funded by the World Bank Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF)

31.    Participant, Consultation Workshop on Development of National Strategy on Climate Change Mitigation, August 16-19, Noda Hotel Kumasi, Funded by UNDP and EPA.

32.    Participant, Workshop on the Preparation of Sector Policy Briefs on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction, July 29 – August 1, 2009, Manet Paradise Hotel, Ada Foah. Funded By UNDP and EPA

33.    Participant, UNFCCC Climate Change Negotiation, Accra 21-27, August, 2008, The International Conference Centre, Accra, Ghana.

34.    Participant, Forum on Readiness for REDD, 19-20 August 2008, Organized by Woods Hole Research Center, Hosted by Forestry Commission Ghana, M Plaza Hotel, Accra Ghana.

35.    Participant, African Regional Workshop on Aforestation and Reforestation Projects Development under the CDM 19-23 June 2008 Grand Bassam, Cote d’Ivoire. Funded by ITTO.
36.    Participant, National Workshop on Definition of Forest for Aforestation and Reforestation Project for UNFCCC CDM program. October 2007, Akyaakrom Wood Training Centre, Ghana.

37.    Participant, Second PROTA/CTA International Workshop and Investors Forum. September 24-26, 2007. Nairobi, Kenya.
38.    Participant, ITTO Regional Workshop to promote the exchange of experience at the regional level on the implementation of sustainable Forest Management through ITTO Supported Project. May 28-31, 2007. Lome, Togo.

39.    Participant, Ecosystem Science Center and Biotechnology Research Center of Michigan Technological University Annual Science Forum 2006.

40.    Participant, IUFRO 2005 World Congress at Brisbane, Australia

41.    Participant, Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting 2003, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

42.    Participant, IUFRO 2000 World Congress at Kuala-Lumpur, Malaysia

43.    Participant, Workshop on forest plantation Development in Ghana at Wood Industry Training Center, Akyawkrom. Organized by Ghana Forestry Commission and sponsored by Ghana Timber Millers Organization.

44.    Participant, Workshop on Forest Certification and other Market based instruments at Forestry Research Institute of Ghana. Sponsored by ODA. 12- 13/6/96

45.    Participant, Conference on growth studies in Tropical Moist Africa. Organized by FORIG, Ghana and CIFOR and sponsored by IUFRO. 12-14/ 1/96.

46.    Participant, International Conference on Value-Added processing and Utilization of Lesser-Used Timber species. Organized by FORIG and Funded by TEDB and ITTO. City Hotel, Kumasi Ghana. 17-19 February 1998.

47.    Participant, National Workshop on Important bird Areas (IBA). North Ridge hotel, Accra, Ghana. Organized by Ghana Wildlife Society. 10/3/99

48.    Participant, African Forestry Research Network Inaugural Meeting and Workshop. Organized by FORIG, Ghana and sponsored by AAS, SIDA and IUFRO. 11-14/5/99

49.    Participant, African Forestry Research Network Project Proposal Appraisal Workshop. Ouagadougou, Burkina- Faso. 13/12/99

1.    Opuni-Frimpong, E (2022) Research on African mahogany in plantations Threatened trees conservation workshop THREATENED TREES OF GHANA: CONSERVATION PLANNING WORKSHOP 10-13 OCTOBER,
2022, CSIR-FORIG Kumasi, Ghana

2.    Opuni-Frimpong, E., Opoku S. M. and Storer, J.A. (2018) Silvicultural systems for plantation mahogany in Africa: Effect of mixed species stands on growth and Hypsipyla attack of African mahogany (Khaya grandifoliola and K. ivorensis). Research Staff Association of Ghana, Annual Conference held at Crop Research Institute of Ghan, Kumasi October, 2018.

3.    Opuni-Frimpong E. (2018) Using satellite to protect forest reserves in Ghana. Earth Observation Research and Innovation Centre (EORIC) of the University of Energy and Natural Resources Sunyani, June 21, 2018

4.    Opuni-Frimpong E. (2018) Experiences with the development of a centre of competence for wood identification in Ghana. The Global Timber Tracking Network (GTTN) Regional Stakeholder Meeting in Africa June 27-28, 2018 in Yaoundé, Cameroon

5.    Opuni-Frimpong, E. (2015). Genetic variation in African mahogany with resistance/tolerance to Hypsipyla. Bioversity World Cafe Session with the theme "Tree genetic resources for resilience; maintaining adaptive potential". XIV World Forestry Congress; Forest People and Environment: Some Perspectives from Africa, 7-12 September 2015, Durban, South Africa

6.    Opuni-Frimpong, E. (2015). Technology Transfer in African reference laboratories for DNA Timber Tracking. Final Project Conference "Development and implementation of a species identification and timber tracking system in Africa with DNA fingerprints and stable Isotopes (PD 620/11 M(Rev.1)". Organized by Thunen Institute of Germany, Douala Cameroun, 29-6-2015 to 3-7-2015.

7.    Opuni-Frompong, E. (2013). Lessons learnt from capacity building efforts for local communities for CDM forestry in Ghana. Presentation on the efforts of ITTO and the Government of Ghana at JICA/ ITTO Side Event at UN Climate Change Conference and Nineteenth Session of the Conference of Parties (COP19), Warsaw, Poland, 11-22 November, 2013.
8.    Opuni-Frimpong, E. (2013). Timber tracking system in Ghana and establishment of genetic reference laboratory. Forty-ninth Session of the International Tropical Timber Council and Associated Sessions of Committees. Libreville, Gabon 25-30 November 2013. Participant

9.    Opuni-Frimpong E. (2012). Management of mahogany shoot borer, Hypsipyla robusta (Moore); A native pest with invasive characteristics in plantations. A presentation given at the 23rd USDA Interagency Research Forum on Invasive Species 10-13, January 2012 in Annapolis, MD USA.

10.    Opuni-Frimpong, E. (2011). Research advances on African Mahogany (Khaya and Entandrophragma) in Ghana. Guest Speaker at Forest Genetic Research Institute of Germany, 2/12/11. Organized by the Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries, Germany.

11.    Guest Speaker, Incidence of Hypsipyla robusta (Moore) on Mahogany Trees., Faculty of Science and Technology Lecture Series, University of Bolzano, Italy, 30/11/2011. Organized and Funded by University of Bolzano, Italy.

12.    Opuni-Frimpong, E. (2011) Ghana’s Participation in Afforestation and Reforestation Clean Development Mechanism. Climate Change Sensitization Workshop for Forestry Commission Staff in Ashanti Region of Ghana 23/02/2011, Organized by the FC, Wood Industry Training Centre, Akyaakrom.

13.    Opuni-Frimpong, E. (2011) Land Eligibility and Selecting Baseline Methodology for Aforestation and Reforestation CDM. National Forest Stakeholders Workshop to Define Forest for CDM Projects in Forestry. Organized by the Forestry Commission, 10 February, 2011, FC Conference Room, Accra.

14.    Opuni-Frimpong, E. (2009). Forestry; Mitigation Options and Opportunities in Climate Change. Consultation Workshop on Development of National Strategy on Climate Change Mitigation, August 16-19, Noda Hotel Kumasi, Funded by UNDP.
15.    Opuni-Frimpong, E and Kyere, B. (2009). Responding to climate change; Forestry, Ecosystems and Biodiversity. Workshop on the Preparation of Sector Policy Briefs on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction, July 29 – August 1, 2009, Manet Paradise Hotel, Ada Foah. Funded By UNDP.

16.    Opuni-Frimpong, E. (2009). Afforestation and Reforestation Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) in Ghana: Prospects and Challenges. Consultation Workshop on CDM Project Idea Note, July 12-14, 2009, Volta Hotel , Akosombo. Funded by UNDP.

17.    Opuni-Frimpong, E., Karnosky, A.J., Storer, E.A., Asare, K.W., Cobbinah,
J.R. (2007). Developing Tools for improving productivity and conservation of African mahogany in the Framework of sustainable Forest    Management. ITTO Regional Workshop to promote the exchange of experience at the regional level on the implementation of sustainable Forest Management through ITTO Supported Project. Lome, Togo.

18.    Opuni-Frimpong, E., Karnosky, A.J., Storer, E.A., Asare, K.W., Cobbinah,
J.R. (2007). Developing Tools for improving productivity and conservation of African mahogany in the context of sustainable forest management using PROTA resources. Second PROTA/CTA International Workshop and Investors Forum. Nairobi, Kenya.

19. J.L. Bossart, E. Opuni-Frimpong, S. Kuudaar, and E. Nkrumah (2006) Butterfly assemblages in Afrotropical forest fragments: distance from edge determines community diversity. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting. Memphis, TN

20.    Opuni-Frimpong, E., Karnosky, D. F., Storer, A. J, and Cobbinah, J. R. (2005). The effect of mixed species stands on Hypsipyla attack on mahogany trees in the moist semi-deciduous forest of Ghana. Poster Presented at the IUFRO World Congress in Brisbane.

21.    Opuni-Frimpong, E., Karnosky, D. F., Storer, A. J, and Cobbinah, J. R. (2005). Development of an integrated management strategy to reduce the
impact of Hypsipyla species (Lepidopetra: Pyralidae) on African mahogany. Poster Presented at the IUFRO World Congress in Brisbane.
22.    Opuni-Frimpong, E., Karnosky, D. F., Thakur, R., Storer, A. J, and Cobbinah, J. R. (2005). A biotechnological approach to developing mahogany trees resistant to mahogany shoot borer, Hypsipyla spp. Poster Presented at the IUFRO World Congress in Brisbane.

23.    Opuni-Frimpong E, Karnosky D. F., Storer A. J., Cobbinah J.R., and Abbeney A.E. (2005). Incidence of Hypsipyla robusta (Moore) on Native Meliaceae (African Mahpogany), Implications for Restoration and Sustainable Forest Management in Ghana. International Conference on Restoration and Sustainable Management of Forest in Ghana 5-7 July 2005, Elmina Ghana. Organized by Tropenbos International.

24.    J.L. Bossart, E. Opuni-Frimpong, S. Kuudaar, and E. Nkrumah (2004) Diversity and dynamics of butterfly communities in sacred forests and forest reserves of Ghana. Fifth International Symposium on Tropical Biology – African Biodiversity: Molecules, Organisms, Ecosystems. Bonn, Germany.

25.    Opuni-Frimpong, E., A.J. Storer and D.F. Karnosky. 2003. Mahogany Shoot borer: Hypsipyla Pest Activities in Tropical Forestry. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Cincinnati, OH. October 2003.

26.    J.L. Bossart, and E. Opuni-Frimpong (2002) Temporal diversity of frugivorous butterflies in Ghana's sacred forests. Ecological Soceity of America Annual Meeting. Tucson, AZ.

27.    J. L. Bossart, and E. Opuni-Frimpong (2002) Complementarity of butterfly communities of remnant, Afrotropical forest islands. Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting. Ft. Lauderdale, FL.

28.    Opuni-Frimpong, E. and Cobbinah, J.R.. 2000. Mahogany shoot borer Hypsipyla robusta (Lepidoptera:Pyralidae) impact on growth and survival of native Meliaceae. IUFRO World Congress, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 7-12 August.

Plant Protection Association of Ghana 
University Teachers Association
Entomological Society of Ghana
Forest Invasive Species Network for Africa
Entomological Society of America
Ghana Institute of Foresters (GIF)
Ghana Association for the Conservation of Nature (GACON)
Lepidopterist Society of Africa.

About us

Forestry Research Institute of Ghana is one of the 13 institutes of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). It is located at Fumesua near Kumasi in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. It started as a research unit within the Forestry Department in 1962. It was fully established as a research institute and named FOREST PRODUCTS RESEARCH INSTITUTE (FPRI) under the then Ghana Academy of Sciences in 1964 and in 1968 placed under the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR).

Contact us

The Director
Forestry Research Institute of Ghana, P. O. Box UP 63 KNUST
Kumasi, Ghana

Tel :+233-(0)3220-60123/60373
Fax :+233-(0)3220-60121
Email : [email protected]