Miss Bridgette Brentuo

Position: Research Scientist
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Tel: +233 244952266

Professional field of Interest:
Drying of wood species, development of kiln drying schedules of lesser-used, lesser-known and plantation timber species, testing of wood and furniture, physical properties determination and utilization of wood species, design and construction of solar kiln dryer.

Professional Background:
2009-2012 M Phil (Wood Technology) Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, KNUST- Kumasi
1996 -1998 BSc. (Physical Science) University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast
1989-1991 Dip (Laboratory Techniques) University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast
Research Projects :
•Physical and mechanical properties of lesser-used timber species in Ghana
•Utilization of Rubberwood as timber resource in Ghana
•Processing and utilization of logging residues (stumps and branchwood)
•Physical properties of Broussonetia papyrifera, an invasive plant
•Physical and mechanical properties of Tectona grandis logs from six different localities in Ghana
•Physical properties of logs extracted from the Afram arm of the Volta Lake
•Value Chain Analysis of the Wood Sector in Ghana
•Design and constructions of greenhouse solar kiln for wood and dried food industries

Selected Publications:
F. W. Owusu, J.K. Appiah, C, Essien, B, Brentuo and E Foli (2017) Some wood machining properties of submerged timber species from the Volta Lake in Ghana. Ghana Journal of Forestry, 33: 60-73.( Published)

Owusu, F.W., Appiah, J.K., Essien, C., Brentuo, B., Foli, E.G. (April 2013) Quality assessment of some timber trees extracted from the Afram arm of Lake Volta. Annals of Biological Research 4 (1):142-151

Ofori, J. and Brentuo, B. (2010a) Green moisture content, basic density and shrinkage characteristics of the wood of Alstonia boonei, Antrocaryon micraster, Bombax buonopozense, Dialium aubrevillei and Sterculia rhinopetala.
Ghana Journal of Forestry 26:41-49

Ofori, J. and Brentuo, B. (2010b) Drying characteristics and development of Kiln drying schedule for the wood of Alstonia boonei, Antrocaryon micraster, Bombax buonopozense, Dialium aubrevillei and Sterculia rhinopetala. Ghana Journal of Forestry 26:50-60

Ofori, J.; Brentuo, B; Mensah, M; Mohammed, I. A. and Boamah-Tawiah, R. (2009a) Properties of 10 Ghanaian high density lesser- used species of importance to bridge construction. Part 1: Green moisture content, basic density and shrinkage characteristics. Ghana Journal of Forestry 25:67-77

Ofori, J.; Mohammed I. A.; Brentuo, B.; Mensah, M. and Boamah-Tawiah, R. (2009b) Properties of 10 Ghanaian high density lesser- used species of importance to bridge construction. Part 2: Mechanical strength properties. Ghana Journal of Forestry 25:78-91

Ofori, J. and Brentuo B. (2005) Green moisture content, basic density and shrinkage characteristics of the wood of Cedrela odorata grown in Ghana. Journal of Tropical Forest Science 17 (2):211-223


Member, CSIR Research Staff Association



About us

Forestry Research Institute of Ghana is one of the 13 institutes of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). It is located at Fumesua near Kumasi in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. It started as a research unit within the Forestry Department in 1962. It was fully established as a research institute and named FOREST PRODUCTS RESEARCH INSTITUTE (FPRI) under the then Ghana Academy of Sciences in 1964 and in 1968 placed under the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR).

Contact us

The Director
Forestry Research Institute of Ghana, P. O. Box UP 63 KNUST
Kumasi, Ghana

Tel :+233-(0)3220-60123/60373
Fax :+233-(0)3220-60121
Email : [email protected]