Beatrice Darko Obiri (Mrs) (PhD)

Position: Chief Research Scientist (Socio-economics)
Senior Lecturer-Natural Resource Economics & Bio-products marketing, CSIR-College of Science and Technology, University of Cape Coast
Head: Forest Economics & Marketing Division
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
Tel: +233-3220-60123/60373, +233-244381574
Professional fields of interests

  • Socio-economics (Natural Resources, Forestry & Agriculture/Agro-ecology)
  • Production Systems Economics
  • Commodity Supply and Value Chains, Marketing & Trade
  • Ethnobotany, Bioenergy & Climate Change
  • Gender & Livelihood Analyses
  • Agro-ecological & Farming Systems Analyses
  • Participatory Technology Development
  • Agricultural & Forest Landscape Restoration

Professional background
2000 – 2004: PhD, Agricultural Ecology-Economics (Bangor University, Wales, UK)
1994 – 1995: MSc, Agroforestry (Aberdeen University, Scotland, UK)
1989 – 1992: BSc (Honours), Agriculture- Economics & Farm Management (Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana)
1985-1987: GCE Advanced Level Certificate, Science (Holy Child School, Cape Coast, Ghana)
1980-1985: GCE Ordinary Level Certificate, Science (Holy Child School, Cape Coast, Ghana)

Current Research Projects

  • Developing and promoting the adoption of sustainable agrisilvopastoral intensification systems in Northern Ghana (2024-2025). Funded by Bioversity International-CIAT, Italy. Principal investigator: Prof. Daniel A. Ofori. (Role: Lead Socio-economist)
  • Economics of Forest Plantation Development in Ghana: The Case of FC Industry Plantations (2023-2024). Funded by the Plantation Fund Board. (Role: Co-investigator & Lead socio-economist)
  • Documenting Impacts of Artisanal Mining and Land Clearing on Cocoa Cultivation in Ghana (2021-2024). Funded by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Principal investigators: Dr. Elizabeth A. Obeng and Dr. Noel Aloysius (Role: Socio-economist)
  • Assessment of deforestation and forest degradation in community resource management areas in the Northern Savannah Zone of Ghana (2023-2024). Funded by the Forestry Commission, Ghana. FC/GSLERP. (Role: Co-Principal investigator & Lead Socio-economist)
  • Developing and promoting the adoption and dissemination of food and non-food tree systems for enhancing food, dietary, energy and income diversity among shellfishers along Densu estuary & Narkwa Lagoon in Ghana (2023-2024). Funded by USAID/CIFOR-ICRAF.  (Role: Lead Consultant & Socio-economist) 

Past Research Projects

  • Economic Sustainability of the CREMAs on the Ghana Shea Landscape Emission Reductions Project (GSLERP) (2022). Funded by the Forestry Commission, Ghana. FC/GSLERP. (Role: Co-Principal investigator & Lead Socio-economist)
  • Cost effectiveness analysis ex-ante of the implemented economic opportunities for rural communities and ecosystems (2022). Creating Lands of Opportunity in the Sahel Project. Funded by IUCN. Principal investigator: Dr Elizabeth A. Obeng. (Role: Socio-economist)
  • Estimating the Economic Cost of Deforestation: the case of timber and cocoa in Ghana (2021). Funded by Forest Trends-COWI/AS Denmark. (Role: Lead Consultant & Socio-economist)
  • An assessment of wild food, fodder & crop-based biodiversity to complement Oyster fisheries for delivering greater seasonal diversity of food for healthier diets in Ghana & The Gambia (2021). Funded by USAID/CIFOR-ICRAF. (Role: Lead Consultant & Socio-economist)
  • Native Germplasm Value Chain Analysis for Drylands of West Africa (2020).  Funded by FAO SURAGWA Project. (Role: Lead Socio-economist-Value chain expert).
  • Gender Analysis and Mainstreaming of Gender Considerations into Project Activities, Implementation and Monitoring (2020).  Funded by IUCN, Accra. Lead Consultant: Dr Gloria D. Djagbletey. (Role: Socio-economist)
  • Ghana Bamboo Value Chain Study (2019).  Funded by INBAR-China. (Role: Lead consultant & Socio-economist).
  • Feasibility Studies on Renewable Energy for Pilot Project Implementation in Ghana (2018-2019). Funded by Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany. (Role: Consultant-Agro-economist)
  • Socio-economic Baseline Study for establishment of Yawmatwa & Manzan Cremas, Sefwi-Essam Debiso (2018). Funded by SNV-Netherlands. Lead Consultant: Dr Elizabeth Obeng. (Role: Socio-economist)
  • Establishing a Land Restoration Research and Demonstration Area within Degraded Mining Sites in the Bibiani Areas, Ghana (2017-2018). Funded by Government of Ghana. (Role: Co-Principal Investigator & Lead Socio-economist)
  • Ghana Forest Investment Program (2016-2021). Socio-economic Studies. GFIP-ENFALP. (Role: Lead Socio-economist) 
  • Rehabilitation of Degraded Forests for Sustainable Wood fuel Production and Climate Change Mitigation in the Forest-Savanna Transition Zone of Ghana (2013-2016). Funded by ITTO, Japan.  (Role: Coordinator & Socio-economist)
  • Analysis of Fuelwood Value Chain for the Ghanaian Fish Smoking Industry (2015). Funded by SNV-Netherlands, Ghana.
  • USAID Coastal Fisheries Management Project. (Role: Lead consultant & Socio-economist)
  • Economics and feasibility of charcoal production as an alternative livelihood option for displaced illegal chainsaw lumber millers in Ghana (2012-2013). Funded by the European Union/Tropenbos International. (Role: Principal Investigator)
  • Socio-economic & agroecological analysis and promotion of the adoption of soil, water and agricultural conservation techniques at the Lake Bosomtwe basin, Ashanti Region Ghana (2012-2014). Funded by UNESCO. (Role: Coordinator & Socio-economist)
  • Costs and benefits of agricultural climate change mitigation options in Ghanan (2011-2012). Funded by International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, USA. (Role: Principal Investigator)
  • Ghana Domestic Timber Market Study (2009). NREG/TIDD, FC. Ghana. (Role: Coordinator & Socio-economist)
  • Tropical forests for poverty alleviation: From household data to global analysis (2007-2010). Funded by DANIDA. (Role: Coordinator & Socio-economist)
  • Developing alternatives for illegal chainsaw lumbering through multi-stakeholder dialogue in Ghana and Guyana (2007-2011).  Funded by the European Union. (Role: Co-Principal Investigator& Socio-economist) 

Selected Publications

  • Damnyag, L., Bampoh, A.A., Tegegne, Y.T., Obiri, D. B. and Oduro, K.A. 2024. Assessment of revenue loss from illegal logging in Ghana’s informal timber sector. International Forestry Review Vol.26(1), 2024
  • Oduro, K.A. Obeng, E.A., Guuroh, R.T., Asante-Fosu, D., Mensah, E.S., Andoh, J., Abukari, H., Obiri, D. B. 2024. Local communities’ adaptation strategies for reducing vulnerabilities to climate change in cocoa-forest dominated landscapes in Ghana GeoJournal, 89:61.
  • Obeng, E.A., Andoh, J., Oduro, K.A., Obiri, D. B., Duah-Gyamfi, A. Guuroh, R.T Adu-Gyamfi A., Aloysius, N. and Clark, K. 2023. Impacts of Illegal Small-Scale Artisanal Gold Mining and Land Clearing Activities on Cocoa Cultivation: Farmers’
  • Perception on the Multiple Threats Facing the Cocoa Industry, and Rural Livelihoods. Research Report. CSIR-FORIG, Kumasi, Ghana. USDA-FAS-10961-0700-10.-20-0001
  • Yeboah, E., Dugan, E., Nartey, E., Innocent, Y.D., Frimpong, K.A., Obiri D, B., Egyir, I.., Akom, M.., Osei-Adu, J.., Otabil, P.K, Ason, B., Allotey, D.F.K, Moses, M., Sundberg,C., Adiku, S.G.K. 2022. Biochar Systems in Ghana. Agricultural and Food Science Journal of Ghana. Vol. 15. 1553- 1577
  • Obiri, D. B., Abukari, H., Oduro K. A., Quartey R. K., Dawoe E. L. K., Twintoh J. J. and Opuni-Frimpong, E. 2022. Rosewood (Pterocarpus erinaceus) as a de facto forest common for local communities in Ghana. International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation. Vol. 14(1), pp. 1-13.
  • Duguma, L., Darko Obiri, B, Carsan, S., Muthee, K., Tang Guuroh, R., Antwi Oduro, K., Mcmullin, S., Duba, D. (2022). Participatory Land-Seascape Visioning in Densu Estuary, Narkwa Lagoon, and Whin Estuary, Ghana. Women Shellfishers and Food Security Project, World Agroforestry (ICRAF), Nairobi, Kenya and Coastal Resources Center, Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island. Narragansett, RI, USA. WSFS2022_02_CRC. 45 pp
  • Carsan, S., McMullin, S., Obiri, D. B., Duguma, L., Guuroh, R., Bah, A., Orero, L., Muthee, K. (2022). Technical Report on Site Based Research in Ghana and The Gambia: Land-seascape Food and Nutrition Profiles. Women Shellfishers and Food Security Project, World Agroforestry (ICRAF), Nairobi, Kenya and Coastal Resources Center, Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island, Narragansett, RI, USA. WSFS2022_04_CRC. 78 pp
  • Obeng, E. A., Darkurah, I., Oduro, K.A., and Obiri, D. B., 2021. Local communities’ preferences and economic values for ecosystem services from Mole National Park in Ghana: A choice experiment approach. Global Ecology and Conservation 32 (2021) e01904.
  • Antwi, K. T., Obiri, D. B., Obeng, E. A. and Abugre, S. 2020. Assessment of Environmental Sources of Financial Risks on Commercial Banks in Ghana.  International Journal of Finance & Banking Studies, Vol. 9 (3). ISSN: 2147-4486.  
  • Obiri, D. B., Obeng, E.A.  Oduro, K. A., Apetorgbor, M. M., Peprah, T., Dua-Gyamfi, A., and Mensah, J. K. 2020. Farmers’ attitudes and perceptions of herbicide usage in forest landscape restoration programs in Ghana. Scientific African 11 (2021) e00672.
  • Obeng, E.A., Obiri D. B., Oduro, K.A., Pentsil, S., Anglaaere, L.C., Foli, E.G., Ofori, D.A. 2020. Economic values of non-market forest ecosystem services derived from trees on cocoa farms. Current Research in Environmental Sustainability 2 (2020) 100019
  • Obiri, D. B., Obeng, E.A., Oduro, K.  Pentsil, S. and Appiah-Kubi, E. 2020. Ghana Bamboo Value Chain Mapping. National Assessment INBAR Working paper 144pp INBAR-China. Creative Commons License (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0).
  • Obeng, E. A., Oduro, K.A., Obiri B.D, Abukari, H., Guroh R.T., Djagbletey, G. G, Appiah K. J. and Appiah, M. 2019. Impact of illegal mining activities on forest ecosystem services: Local communities' attitudes and willingness to participate in restoration activities in Ghana. Heliyon, 5(10):1-11
  • Obeng, E. A., Aguilar F. X., Obiri, D. B. and Oduro, K. A. 2019. Willingness to Pay to Restore Tropical Rainforest Watersheds using the Theory of Planned Behavior. Journal of Sustainable Development. Vol. 12(6), 62-81
  • Obiri, D.B., Osei, I. Kemausour, F. Addo, A. Decker, E. and Abayeta, G. K. 2019. Financial Analysis of Biomass (Sawmill & Oil Mill Solid Waste) Combustion for Electricity and Heat Generation. Feasibility studies on renewable energy for pilot project implementation in Ghana.  BMF Germany/WASCAL/CSIR-Ghana
  • Obiri , D.B., Obiri, D. B., Oduro A. K., Nutakor. E. and Acquah (2019). Public and private sector development on forest products industry in Ghana. AFF Working Paper Vol. 4 (3). African Forest Forum, Nairobi. Kenya.
  • Obiri, D. B., Peprah, T., Nunoo, I., Obeng, E. A. and Opuni-Frimpong, E. 2018. Financial analysis of fuelwood production from woodlots in the savannah transition of Ghana. Ghana Journal of Forestry, 34, 58-72
  • Obiri, B.D. 2018.  Public Private Partnerships: strategic investments for all-inclusive forestry sector development. Policy Brief 7(2), African Forest Forum Nairobi, Kenya
  • Korang, J.K., Obiri, D. B., Awuku, S. and Appiah, H. 2016. Calorific values and gravimetric yield of six wood fuel tree species in the forest transition of Ghana. Ghana Journal of Forestry, 31: 51-61
  • Opuni-Frimpong, E., Tepketey, S. L., Opoku, S., Mensah Opoku, E., Storer, A. J., Nyarko-Duah, N. y., Appiah-Kubi, E., Essien, C. and Obiri, D. B. 2016. Managing Mahogany Plantations in the Tropics. Field guide for farmers, 82 pp.
  • Hansen, C. P., Pouliot, M., Marfo, E., Obiri, D. B. and Treue, T. 2015. Forests, timber and rural livelihoods: Implications for the VPA and social safeguards in Ghana. Small Scale Forestry, 14 (4): 401-422.
  • Nunoo, I., Obiri Darko, B. and Owusu, V. 2015. ‘Restoring degraded forest landscape for food security: Evidence from cocoa agroforestry systems, Ghana.’ In: Kumar, C., Saint-Laurent, C., Begeladze, S. and     Calmon, M. (eds.). In Enhancing food security through forest landscape restoration: Lessons from Burkina Faso, Brazil, Guatemala, Viet Nam, Ghana, Ethiopia and Philippines, pp. 122-143. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland
  • Parrotta, J. A., Dey de Pryck, J. Obiri, D. B., Padoch, C. Powell B., Sandbrook, C., Agarwal, B. Ickowitz, A., Jeary, K. Serban, A. Sunderland, T and Tu, N. 2015. The Historical, Environmental and Socio-Economic Context of Forests and Tree-Based Systems for Food Security and Nutrition. In Forests, Trees and Landscapes for Food Security and Nutrition: A Global Assessment Report. IUFRO World Series 33, 51-85. Editors: Bhaskar Vira, Christoph Wildburger, Stephanie Mansourian
    Jamnadass, R., McMullin, S., Iiyama, M., Dawson, I. K. Powell B., Termote, C., Ickowitz, A., Kehlenbeck, K., Vinceti, B., van Vliet, N., Keding, G., Stadlmayr, B., Van Damme, P., Carsan, S., Sunderland, T., Njenga, M., Gyau, A., Cerutti, P., Schure, J., Kouame, C., Obiri, D. B., Ofori, D., Agarwal, B., Neufeldt, H., Degrande, A. and Serban, A. 2015. Understanding the Roles of Forests and Tree-based Systems in Food Provision. In Forests, Trees and Landscapes for Food Security and Nutrition: A Global Assessment Report. IUFRO World Series 33, 25-49. Editors: Bhaskar Vira, Christoph Wildburger, Stephanie Mansourian.
  • De Pinto, A., Robertson, R. D. and Obiri, D. B. 2013. Adoption of climate change mitigation practices by risk-averse farmers in the Ashanti Region, Ghana. Ecological Economics, 86:47-54
  • Obiri, D.B., Nunoo, I., Obeng, E. A., Owusu, F. W. and Marfo, E. 2014. The Charcoal Industry in Ghana: An alternative Livelihood Option for Displaced Illegal Chainsaw Lumber Producers.  Tropenbos International, Wageningen, the Netherlands. 132pp
  • Birikorang, G., Marfo, E., Kyere, B. and Obiri, D.B. 2014. Scenario and Cost Benefit Analysis of Policy Options for the Supply of Legal Timber to the Domestic Market, Tropenbos International, Wageningen, the Netherlands, 176 pp
  • Ofori, D. A., Obiri, D. B., Gyimah, A., Adam, K. A., Jimoh, S. O. and Jamnadass, R. 2012. Ethnobotany, propagation and conservation of medicinal plants in Ghana. Ghana Journal of Forestry, 28(1):29-38
  • Pouliot, M., Treue, T., Obiri, D. B. and Ouedraogo, B. 2012. Deforestation and the limited contribution of forests to rural livelihoods in West Africa: Evidence from Burkina Faso and Ghana. AMBIO, A journal of the Human Environment, 41(7):738-750
  • Obiri, D.B., Marfo, E., Obeng, E.A., Owusu, W.F., Agyeman, V. and Acquah S.B.  2012. Ghana Timber Industry Value Added Processing Study: PART I: Nation-wide survey on value added processing of timber industries in Ghana. NREG/TIDD, FC. Ghana. 102pp.
  • Obiri, D.B., Marfo, E., Obeng, E.A., Owusu, W.F., Agyeman, V. and Acquah S.B.  2012. Ghana Timber Industry Value Added Processing Study: PART II: Policy interventions for enhancing value added processing in the Ghanaian industry.  NREG/TIDD, FC. Ghana. 38pp.
  • Obiri, D. B., Agyeman, V. K., Kyereh, B., Nutakor, E., Obeng, E. A., Agyeman, A. and Britwum, S. 2011. Perception and participation of local people in tree planting initiatives in Northern Ghana. Ghana Journal of Forestry, 27(3):80-93
  • Hansen, C. P., Damnyag, L., Obiri, D. B. and Carlsen, K. 2011. Revisiting illegal logging and the size of     the domestic timber market: The case of Ghana. International Forestry Review, 14 (1):39-49
  • Obiri D. B. and L. Damnyag, 2011. Socio-economic contribution of illegal chainsaw milling to the Ghanaian rural economy. Ghana Journal of Forestry, 27:50-67
  • Obiri, D. B., Marfo, E., Nutakor, E., Cobbinah, J and Treue, T.  2011. Estimating rural forest dependency in Ghana: Contextual information, methods and preliminary results. Danida-PEN. Ghana country working paper. FOREST AND LANDSCAPE WORKING PAPER NO. 64, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Akon-Yamga, G., Boadu, P., Obiri, D.B., Amoako, J. and Mboob, F. J. 2011. Agricultural innovations for climate change adaptation and food security in Africa: the cases of Ghana and the Gambia, African Technology Policy Studies Network RESEARCH PAPER No. 11. 56pp
  • Bosu, P. P., Cobbinah, J. R., Obiri, D.B., Nkrumah, E. E., Stephens, S. S and Wagner, M. R. 2010. Handbook on Mixed Indigenous Species Plantations in Ghana. Forestry Research Institute of Ghana (FORIG)/International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO). 37pp.
  • Obiri, D. B. and Addai, A. 2007. People and Plants: A survey of economic botanicals on the Kumasi central market. Ghana Journal of Forestry, 21 and 22:50-71
  • Obiri, D.B., Marfo, E., Damnyag, L., Nutakor, E., Agyeman, V. and Ofori, J. 2009. Ghana Domestic Timber Market Study. NREG/TIDD, FC. Ghana
  • Obiri, B.D., Damnyag, L., 2009. Market and Financial Environment of Chainsaw Milling in Ghana: In Marfo, E., Adam, A. K., Obiri, B.D. (Eds), Ghana case study of illegal chainsaw milling. Developing alternative to illegal chainsaw milling through multi-stakeholder dialogue in Ghana and Guyana project.
  • Abeney, E., Obiri, D. B., Nutakor, E., Oduro, W. and Boateng, O. G. 2008.  Social and Environmental Impact Assessment of the FORM Agro-forestry Plantations, Asubima Forest Reserve. FoRM Ghana. LTD.
  • Obiri, D.B. 2008. The rattan supply chain and marketing in Ghana. Assessment of the Feasibility of Rattan Processing and Marketing for Sustainable Income Generation in West Africa. Technical Report UNIDO. YA/RAF/07/016 17-51. 58p
  • Obiri, D. B. and Oteng-Amoako, A. 2007. Towards a sustainable development of the bamboo industry in Ghana. Ghana Journal of Forestry, 21 and 22:14 – 27
  • Obiri, D. B., Bright, G. A., McDonald, M. A., Anglaaere, L.C.N. and Cobbina, J. 2007. Financial analysis of shaded cocoa in Ghana. Agroforestry Systems, 71(2):139-149
  • Obiri, D. B., Bright, G.¸ McDonald M.A., Jatango J.A., Cobbina, J. and Sinclair, F. 2007. The Economic potential and farmer perceptions of herbaceous legume fallows in Ghana. Experimental Agriculture, 43 (3):269-287
  • McDonald, M. A., Obiri, D. B., Jatango, J. A., Anglaaere, L.C.N., Cobbina, J., Moss, C., Nolte, C., Weise, S.F, Gockowski, J., Sinclair, F.L., Bright, G., and Young, E.M. 2003. Shortened Bush-Fallow Rotations for Sustainable Rural Livelihoods in Ghana. (DFID, R7446). Technical Report. 25 pp
  • Oteng-Amoako, A. and Obiri, D. B. 2001. Rattan Processing and Marketing in Africa. Unasylva, 52 (2):24-25
Selected Conference Papers:
  • McMullin, S., Obiri, D.B., Muthee, K., Alagie Bah, A. & Carsan, S. 2023. Landscape food system approaches for resilience in women shellfishing communities in Ghana and The Gambia. Conference on Fisheries and Coastal Environment. 6-9/11/23, Accra, Ghana
  • Obiri, D.B. 2023. Profitability & Risk Management of Cocoa Agroforestry Models. Cocoa Agroforestry Conference. Montepeliar, France. May 2023
  • Obiri, D.B. 2022. Rattan: Greening the value chain for inclusive industrial development and global trade. The second global bamboo and rattan congress.  7-8 November 2022, Beijing, China
  • Obiri, D. B. 2022 Farmer perceptions of herbicide usage in forest restoration programs in Ghana. XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022. Seoul, South Korea
  • Obiri, D. B. 2022. Socio-economic contribution of rattan and potential for Africa. Africa Bamboo & Rattan congress. 20-22 April 2022. Yaoundé, Cameroon
  • Obiri, D.B. 2021. Bamboo Value Chain in Ghana: Opportunities for industrialization. Inbar Inter-Africa bamboo smallholder livelihood development program workshop. 7-8 December 2021, Accra
  • Obiri, D.B.  & Agyekum, C. K. 2021. Capitalizing on Bamboo’s Emerging Market. Regional Bamboo Symposium. July 2021, Accra. Inbar West and Central Africa 
  • Obiri, D.B. 2018. Certification of Bamboo and Rattan Resources in Africa. Bamboo and Rattan Congress, 22-29 June, 2018, Beijing, China.
  • Obiri, D.B., Nunoo, I., Obeng, E. A., Marfo, E., Owusu, F.W., Opuni Frimpong, E., Oduro, K. A. and Adjei, R. K. 2018. Profits and constraints along the Ghanaian charcoal value chain. The 4th Flare annual meeting, October, 2018. Copenhagen
  • Obeng, E. A., Aguilar, F. X., Obiri, D.B.  and Oduro, K. A. 2018. Valuing Global Forests: An application of the Theory of Planned Behavior to Predict Willingness to Pay to Restore Tropical Rainforest Watersheds. The 4thFlare annual meeting, October, 2018. Copenhagen
  • Obiri, D. B., Oduro, K. A. Acquah, S.B., Nutakor, E. and Obeng, E. A. 2018. Leveraging Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) for Enhancement of the Ghanaian Forestry Sector In: Oduro, K.A., Pentsil, S., Korang, J.K., Obeng, E.A., Guuroh, R.T., Addo-Danso, A. (Eds.). Proceedings of the 29th AGM of the CSIR-RSA and the First CSIR-RSA Scientific Conference. October 16 – 19, 2018. GNAT Village, Abankro, Ejisu, Ghana. Pp 20.
  • Obiri, D.B., 2016. Existing Financial Mechanisms & Opportunities for Sustainable Wood Energy Value Chains in West Africa. Paper presented at ECOWAS-ECREE Workshop 9-11/05/16, Cotounu, Benin
  • Obiri, D.B., Owusu-Afriyie, K and Opuni-Frimpong, E. 2015. Production and Marketing of Woody Biomass for Energy in Ghana. Paper presented at ECOWAS Capacity Building Workshop on Sustainable Management of Forest (SMF) with a focus on REDD+ 27-29 April 2015 in Niamey, Niger.
  • Nunoo, I., Obiri, D.B. and Nsiah-Frimpong, B. 2015. From Deforestation to Afforestation: Evidence From Cocoa Agroforestry System. XIVWorld Forestry Congress, Durban, South Africa, 7-11 September 2015.
  • Obiri, D.B., Nunoo, I., Obeng, E.A. and Marfo, E. 2014. Financial Analysis of Charcoal production Methods in Ghana. XXIV IUFRO World Congress, 5-11 October 2014, Salt Lake City, UTAH, USA. International Forestry Review 16(5):437
  • Obiri, D.B., Damnyag, L., Obeng, E.A., Marfo, E., Nutakor, E., Cobbinah, J. R. and Treue, T. 2014. The economic consumptive value of forests: evidence from the wet and dry forest zones of Ghana. XXIV IUFRO World Congress, 5-11 October 2014, Salt Lake City, UTAH, USA. International Forestry Review 16(5):28
  • Nunoo, I., Owusu, V. and Obiri, D.B. 2013. The state of Ghana’s Cocoa Landscape and Yield Trends: Evidence form Sefwi Wiawso District. Tropentag 2013 Conference. 17-19 September, 2013. University of Stuttgart, Germany. Abstracts pg 477. Ed. Eric Tielkes
  • Bosu, P.P., Obiri, D.B., Cobbinah, J. R., Stephens, S. S. and Wagner, M. R. 2012. Alternative mixed plantations for sustainable production of native timber species and conservation of biodiversity in the humid tropics of Africa. IUFRO-FORNESSA Congress, 25-29th June 2012 Nairobi, Kenya. Abstracts, pp59.
  • Yeboah, E., Fening ,J.O., Obiri, D.B., Gaisie, E., Abrefa, N., and Sarfo, A. 2012. Scaling up cassava-cowpea strip intercropping technology in Ghana through a Value Chain Approach. Poster presented at AGRA workshop, Accra.
  • Obiri, D.B., Marfo, E., Nutakor, E., Cobbinah, J. R. and Treue, T. 2010. Do forests contribute to rural livelihoods in Ghana? In Forests for the Future: Sustaining Society and the Environment. XXIII IUFRO World Congress, 23-28 August 2010, Seoul, South Korea' Abstracts, (editors: John A. Parrotta and Mary A. Carr). International Forestry Review, 12(5):419.
  • Oteng-Amoako, A., Obiri, D.B., and Ebanyenle, E. 2006. Rattan Cottage Industry in West and Central Africa: The Example of Ghana. Paper presentation, International Centre for Bamboo and Rattan (ICBR), China. 21 pp
  • Oteng-Amoako, A. and Obiri, D.B. 2003. Rattan as a Sustainable Cottage Industry in Ghana: The Need for Development Interventions. A paper presented at an international seminar on rattan in Limbe, Cameroon, 1- 3 February 2000. In Proceedings No. 9: New Research on African Rattans. Terry C. H. Sunderland and Jean-Pierre Profizi (Eds.).  Pp116-127. International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR).
  • Cobbina, J., Owusu-Sekyere, E., Kubota, D. and Obiri, D.B. 2001. Integration of Trees into Watershed for Sustainable Sawah Development in Ghana. Integrated Watershed Management of Inland Valleys in Ghana and West Africa. Eco-technology Approach. In T. Wakatsuki, E. Otoo, WEI. Andah, J. Cobbina, M.M. Buri and D. Kubota (Eds.). Japan International Cooperation Agency, JICA, Accra,
  • Obiri, D.B. 1999. Socio-economic perspective of Agroforestry for Combating Desertification. Workshop on combating desertification in Ghana. July 11-17, 1999. Tamale, Ghana.

 Awards / Fellowships /Grants

  • 1994-1995: UK Overseas Development Shared Scholarship Scheme (ODASS) & Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) scholarship to study MSc. Agroforesty in Aberdeen, UK
  • 1997: World Bank-Ghana National Agricultural Research Program Grant for Evaluation of Agroforestry Adoption in Ghana
  • 1998: DSE Germany Scholarship for Training in Interdisciplinary Team Research, ICRA/International Agricultural Centre, Wageningen, Netherlands
  • 2000-2003: DFID NRSP, UK award for PhD studies, Bangor University, Wales, UK
  • 2008: European Union-ERSMUS MUNDUS SUTROFOR Scholarship for Visiting Academics to teach MSc. Course in Agroforestry Economics at Bangor University, Wales, UK
  • 2010: IUFRO SPDC travel grant to the 23rd IUFRO World Congress, CEOX Seoul, Republic of Korea. August 23-28, 2010
  • 2012: IUFRO SPDC travel grant to the ITTO-IUFRO FORNESSA conference at Nairobi, Kenya
  • 2013: Commonwealth Professional Fellowship by the Commonwealth Commission, UK for Bio-Energy and Climate Change course at the University of Edinburgh, UK
  • 2013: FAO Travel grant the Food Security Conference, Rome, Italy, May 2013
  • 2013-2016: Internatioal Topical Timber Organization (ITTO). Japan Project Grant for Research towards Rehabilitation of Degraded Forest Lands for Sustainable Woodfuel Production in the Transition Zone of Ghana
  • 2014: IUFRO SPDC travel grant to the 24th IUFRO World Congress, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. October 5-11, 2014
  • 2015: University of Missouri, USA Incentive Fellowship for visiting scientists towards collaborative research
  • 2016: FLARE Network travel grant to the 2nd Flare conference, University of Edinburgh, UK, December 2016
  • 2018: International Bamboo and Rattan Research Centre, China. travel grant to 2018 Bamboo and Rattan Congress (BARC), China
  • 2022: FAO travel Grant to the World Forestry Congress, CEOX Seoul, Republic of Korea 2-6 May 2022
  • 2022: INBAR, West & Central Africa travel grant to the African Bamboo and Rattan Congress (ABARC), Cameroon. April 2022


  • Forestry Research Network of Sub-Saharan Africa (FORNESSA)
  • Member, INBAR Expert Panel on Bamboo and Rattan Development
  • Member, Research Staff Association, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Ghana
  • Member, Forest, Livelihood and Engagement Research Network (FLARE)

About us

Forestry Research Institute of Ghana is one of the 13 institutes of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). It is located at Fumesua near Kumasi in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. It started as a research unit within the Forestry Department in 1962. It was fully established as a research institute and named FOREST PRODUCTS RESEARCH INSTITUTE (FPRI) under the then Ghana Academy of Sciences in 1964 and in 1968 placed under the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR).

Contact us

The Director
Forestry Research Institute of Ghana, P. O. Box UP 63 KNUST
Kumasi, Ghana

Tel :+233-(0)3220-60123/60373
Fax :+233-(0)3220-60121
Email : [email protected]