Lucy Amissah (Mrs.) (PhD)

Dr, Lucy AmissahPosition: Principal Research Scientist

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tel: +233-3220-60123 / 60373

Professional fields of Interest:

Forest ecology, biodiversity conservation and forest fire management

Professional Background

2009-2014. PhD Forest Ecology and Forest Management, Wageningen University, the Netherlands
1999-2003. MPhil Silviculture and Forest Management, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
1993-1997. BSc Natural Resource Management, University of Science and Technology, Kumasi

Research Projects

  • Plant diversity, environmental factors and their relation to biomass, carbon storage and dynamics in the forests of Ghana.
  • Effects of climate change on regeneration of tree species in tropical forest of Ghana
  • Effects of climate change on survival and growth of tree crops in Ghana.
  • Biodiversity conservation in plantations on degraded forest lands within or outside forest reserves.
  • The role of wildfire in farming systems in the forest transition zone of Ghana

Selected publications

  1. Poorter, L., Craven. D., Jakovac, C. C., van der Sande, M. T., Amissah, L., Bongers, F., Chazdon, R. L., Farrior, C. E., Kambach, S., Meave, J. A., Muñoz, R., Norden, N., Rüger N., van Breugel , M., Zambrano, A. M. A., Amani, B., Andrade, J. L., Brancalion, P. H.S., Broadbent, E. N., de Foresta, H., Dent, D. H., Derroire, G., DeWalt, S. J., Dupuy, J. M., Durán, S. M., Fantini, A. C., Finegan, B., Hernández-Jaramillo, A., Hernández-Stefanoni, J. L., Hietz, P., Junqueira, A. B., N'dja, J. K., Letcher, S. G., Lohbeck, M., …………, & Hérault, B. (2021). Multi-dimensional tropical forest recovery. Science 374 (6573):1370-1376• DOI: 10.1126/science.abh3629.
  2. Amissah, L., Mohren G. M. J, Bongers, F., Kyereh, B., & Poorter, L. (2021). Plant Traits Shape Tree Species Drought Survival and Distribution Along A Rainfall Gradient In Ghana. Ghana Journal of Forestry Volume 37:1-31.
  3. Huasco, W.H., Riutta, T., Girardin. C.A.J., Pacha, F.H., Vilca, B.L.P., Moore, S., Rifai, S.W., Aguila-Pasquel, J. D., Murakami, A. A., Freitag, R., Morel, A.C., Demissie, S., Doughty, C. E., Oliveras, I., Cabrera, D.F.G., Baca, L.D., Amézquita, F.F., Espejo, J. E.S., da Costa, A.C.L., Mendoza, E.O., Quesada, C.A., Ondo, E.O., Ndong, J. E., Jeffery, K.J., Mihindou, V., White, L.J.T., Bengone, N.N., Ibrahim, F., Addo-Danso, S. D., Duah-Gyamfi, A., Djagbletey, G.D., Owusu-Afriyie, K., Amissah, L., Mbou, A.T., Marthews, T.R., Metcalfe, D. B., Aragão,L.E.O., Marimon-Junior B.H., Marimon B.S., Majalap N. Adu-Bredu S., Abernethy K.A., Silman, M., Ewers, R.M., Meir, P., & Malhi, Y. (2021). Fine root dynamics across pantropical rainforest ecosystems. Global Change Biology
  4. Addo-Danso, S.D., Amissah, L., Duah-Gyamfi, A., & Adu-Bredu, S. (2021). Tropical moist forests. In FAO and ITPS (Eds.) Recarbonizing global soils-A technical manual of recommended management practices, Volume 2-Hotspots and bright spot of soil organic carbon, Rome, FAO. .PP18-34
  5. Bosu, P. P., Apetorgbor, M. M., Amissah, L., & Mutta, D. (2019). Status, trends and impacts of forest and tree pests in West and Central. African Journal of Rural Development 4 (1): 93-107. ISSN 2415-2838
  6. Okyere-Agyapong, E., Amissah, L., & Bosu, P. P. (2019). Comparative Assessment Of The Response Of Seedlings From Different Provenances Of Tetrapluera Species To Drought. Ghana Journal of Forestry. Volume 35:64-83.
  7. Amissah, L., & Ninnoni, R. K. (2019) Wildfire Management in West Africa: A Community Effort. Fire Management Today 77(1): 18-23
  8. Amissah, L. & Aflakpui, G. K. S. (2019). Achieving food and nutrition security: the role of agroecology, In Leal Filho, W., Azul, A. M., Brandli, L., Özuyar, P. G., Wall, T. (Eds.) Encyclopaedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Zero Hunger, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, PP 8-17
  9. Dompreh, D., Nsor, C. A. & Amissah, L. (2019). Has Talbotiella gentii lost its insect pollinators? A threat to its fragmentation and extinction. In: Jenkins, O. P. (Ed.). Advances in Animal Science and Zoology, Volume 13. New York, Nova Science Publishers. PP 93-110
  10. Amissah, L., Mohren, G. M. J., Kyereh, B., Agyeman. V.K., & Poorter, L. (2018). Rainfall seasonality and drought performance shape the distribution of tropical tree species in Ghana. Ecology and Evolution 8(16):8582-8597.


  • Netherlands Fellowship Programme (NFP); grant number CF7428/2011, 2011. For PhD training.

  • Wageningen University Sandwich Fellowship 2009. For PhD training.

  • International Tropical Timber Organization Fellowship 2004. For a training course in Biodiversity Assessment and Monitoring. Smithsonian Institution, Virginia, USA.

  • Chevron-Texaco Corporation grant (through Smithsonian Institution MAB Program), 2005. For a training course in Environmental Leadership. Smithsonian Institution MAB Program, Virginia, USA.

  • International Tropical Timber Organization. 1999.  For a training in prescribed burning. National Interagency Fire Training Academy, Tallahassee, Florida, USA. Shadowing Fire Management Officers within the United States Forest Service on various National Forests: Daniel Bonne National Forest, Kentucky; Portland Oregon office to observe fire management practices.

  • Earthwatch Fellowship, 1999. For participating in a vegetation survey of Kafue National Park, Zambia.

  • Darwin Initiatives/ European Union. 1998.  For a field course in Tropical Biology, Uganda.


  • Member, Ghana Institute of Foresters
  • Ghana Association for the Conservation of Nature


About us

Forestry Research Institute of Ghana is one of the 13 institutes of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). It is located at Fumesua near Kumasi in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. It started as a research unit within the Forestry Department in 1962. It was fully established as a research institute and named FOREST PRODUCTS RESEARCH INSTITUTE (FPRI) under the then Ghana Academy of Sciences in 1964 and in 1968 placed under the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR).

Contact us

The Director
Forestry Research Institute of Ghana, P. O. Box UP 63 KNUST
Kumasi, Ghana

Tel :+233-(0)3220-60123/60373
Fax :+233-(0)3220-60121
Email : [email protected]