Tel: +233-208709959/ +233-546565584
- Opoku-Kwarteng, C., Adu-Bredu, S., Obiri Danso, K. , Djagbletey, G. D. and Malhi, Y. (Submitted). The influence of termites, other fauna and some climatic factors on the decomposition of an indigenous and an exotic wood species in a tropical moist forest.
- Mireku Asomaning, J., Amponsah, J. O., Peprah, T., Owusu, S. and Opoku-Kwarteng, C., Aninagyei Ofori, D. (2020). Accelerated ageing tests of Nauclea diderrichii (De Wild. & T.Durand) Merrill seeds: evaluating seed vigour from different forest provenances to aid plus-trees selection in Ghana. Res. J. Seed Sci., 13:1-8. DOI: 10.3923/rjss.2020.1.8
- Opoku-Kwarteng, C. and Tagoe, E.N.A. (2021). "The Bobiri Forest Reserve and Butterfly Sanctuary – A home of colour and beauty". Journal of Indigenous and Shamanic Studies.
- Djagbletey, G.D., Guuroh, R.T., Addo-Danso, S.D., Duah-Gyami, A., Amwetsitsi, G.D.K., Opoku, A.D., Okyere-Agyapong, E., Opoku-Kwarteng, C., Gakpetor, P.M., Owusu-Asante, J.O., Asamoah, A.-G., Twintoh, J.J., Amponsah, J., Ebo-Nadel, J., Gati, M., Minkah, E., and Foli, E.G. (2021). A training manual for schools’ environmental education and outreach programme.
- Opoku-Kwarteng, C., Adu-Bredu, S., Obiri Danso, K., Djagbletey, G. D. and Malhi, Y. (2022). Factors that determine wood decomposition rates in a tropical moist forest in Ghana. (Submitted to the Ghana Journal of Forestry/ in review).
- Amponsah, J. O., Mireku Asomaning, J., Opoku-Kwarteng, C., Walmsley, J. and Markesteijn, L. (2022) Soil seed bank dynamics along post-logged chronosequence sites of a moist tropical forest in Ghana. Manuscript ID is AFJE-20-207. (In review)
- Media coverage of CSIR-FORIG/ Bobiri Research Centre for documentaries by Ghana Television. https://youtu.be/jLfn8Ac1mHk.
- Member, African section of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects.
- Member, Research Staff Association of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research in Ghana.
- Member, African Forest Forum.
- Member, Forest Invasive Species Network for Africa